Java(EN) 第488页
Jumpstart Testing with Mockito and JUnit5-拾光赋

Jumpstart Testing with Mockito and JUnit5

Jumpstart Testing with Mockito and JUnit5,In this article, we will see JUnit and Mockito in action using 2 Java components, a service class, and a repository class. We will start b...
Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration-拾光赋

Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration

Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration,Today, we’re happy to announce the preview version of quarkus-hazelcast-client is publicly available and accessible via quarkus-platform and c...
jcli, A command line tool for creating Java Applications-拾光赋

jcli, A command line tool for creating Java Applications

jcli, A command line tool for creating Java Applications,Created a tool called jcli to create java applications from command line .. You can use commands like : jcli --create-proje...
Handling unknown JSON structures-拾光赋

Handling unknown JSON structures

Handling unknown JSON structures,JSON object mapping, marshalling, call it whatever you want, we have you covered with Gson or Jackson. Unless you don't care about structure and wa...
Why not to create db asset from code-拾光赋

Why not to create db asset from code

Why not to create db asset from code,Hi All, I read many articles related to self provisioning system where application is capable of creting db assets on first deployment. I have ...
Converting Excel to Image in Java Application-拾光赋

Converting Excel to Image in Java Application

Converting Excel to Image in Java Application,In daily work, it’s inevitably that we will need to convert the format of the document to meet the needs of different work occasions....
Indirect Access (Pointers)-拾光赋

Indirect Access (Pointers)

Indirect Access (Pointers), Language Comparison (6 Part Series) 1 Looping with Foreach 2 Comparison of Languages ... 2 more parts... 3 Anonymous Class 4 Lists 5 Indirect Access (Po...
Effective Java! Use Bounded Wildcards to Increase API Flexibility-拾光赋

Effective Java! Use Bounded Wildcards to Increase API Flexibility

Effective Java! Use Bounded Wildcards to Increase API Flexibility, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effectiv...
Effective Java Part 5 - Prefer dependency injection to hardwiring resource-拾光赋

Effective Java Part 5 – Prefer dependency injection to hardwiring resource

Effective Java Part 5 - Prefer dependency injection to hardwiring resource,There are a ton of situations that you need to create an object that depends on the other objects. In tho...
So many months.....-拾光赋

So many months…..

So many months.....,Hello my gorgeous friends on the internet, It's been a while I was not active on social medias, since my tuitions classes were resumed and many other reason. Bu...
Selenide: A Powerful Testing Framework-拾光赋

Selenide: A Powerful Testing Framework

Selenide: A Powerful Testing Framework,Many testers think about starting their adventure into test automated by looking at Selenium. Most of us heard about Selenium WebDriver, but ...
Сomplex Code: Story of One Interview-拾光赋

Сomplex Code: Story of One Interview

Сomplex Code: Story of One Interview,After posting about my interview on some eastern European forum and sharing it with my colleagues and friends, I realized this might be an int...