Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java
Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java,To create an AWS Lambda function in Java, first, we need to create a Handler class that implements the RequestHandler interface from the lam...
Hacktoberfest 2020
Hacktoberfest 2020, First experience in Hacktoberfest I discover hacktoberfest in a local meetup of Digital Ocean users group last 2018. I'm curious of the event and I give it a sh...
JPA with Spring
JPA with Spring, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expression Language (Sp...
Working searchbar
Working searchbar,codepen https://codepen.io/luxhy/pen/pobeybL 原文链接:Working searchbar
Unfinished webpage update.2
Unfinished webpage update.2,Here is the second update to my unfinished webpage https://codepen.io/luxhy/full/abZJzZE?editors=1111 原文链接:Unfinished webpage update.2
Mixins, Kotlin, and Default Methods – why they don’t work together
Mixins, Kotlin, and Default Methods - why they don't work together,A note for people using Mixins which implement interfaces which have default implementations of methods which are...
Simple Captch in Spring Boot
Simple Captch in Spring Boot,SimpleCaptcha is a simple Java library which can be used to develop random 'captcha' generation for verification and validation purposes. Captcha is co...
My journey through JVM languages
My journey through JVM languages,Java is not just a language. The real reason why it’s still so popular today is the mature and performant platform. And because the programs are c...
Update on the state of Java modularization
Update on the state of Java modularization,At the beginning of 2019, I wrote about the state of Java modularization. I took a sample of widespread libraries and for each of them, I...
Unfinished mini webpage
Unfinished mini webpage,https://codepen.io/luxhy/pen/abZJzZE 原文链接:Unfinished mini webpage
Spring Transaction Management
Spring Transaction Management, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expressio...
DJL – Deep Java Library
DJL - Deep Java Library,Want to get hands dirty with Machine Learning / Deep Learning, but have got Java background and do not know where to start? Then read on, this post is about...