

httplinkchecker,The use case to check an HTTP link is broken or not sounds quite simple to implement on the surface. But the implementation soon gets messy when the number of tasks...
Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits-拾光赋

Java and Docker – Memory and CPU Limits

Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits,This article originated on zsiegel.com For many years java developers have gotten used to tweaking their code and the JVM flags to gain both...
System Design Uber Backend-拾光赋

System Design Uber Backend

System Design Uber Backend,Video explain how Uber system is design and it different components integrations https://youtu.be/8zWQYCMgVOI 原文链接:System Design Uber Backend
Effective Java: Use Lazy Initialization Judiciously-拾光赋

Effective Java: Use Lazy Initialization Judiciously

Effective Java: Use Lazy Initialization Judiciously, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday...
What is a Volatile Variable in Java?-拾光赋

What is a Volatile Variable in Java?

What is a Volatile Variable in Java?,The volatile keyword is one of the less known and less understood keywords of the Java language. The goal of this article is to explain what it...


C++命名空间、标准输入输出、引用,1、简述C++中命名空间的作用。 答:避免重复定义全局变量的问题。 2、定义两个命名空间A 和 B 分别在A中和B中定义变量value。在main函数中将两个空间的value打...
Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect-拾光赋

Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect

Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect, Spring Boot Tips (4 Part Series) 1 Running Spring Boot App and PostgreSQL in single container 2 Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect 3 Using param o...
Understanding Java Objects, Abstract and Concrete-拾光赋

Understanding Java Objects, Abstract and Concrete

Understanding Java Objects, Abstract and Concrete,I've been working a lot in Java lately, but only when my project required me to adopt some of the famous object-oriented design pa...
Live Coding Learnings - June 21, 2019-拾光赋

Live Coding Learnings – June 21, 2019

Live Coding Learnings - June 21, 2019, Live Coding Lessons Learned (4 Part Series) 1 Live Coding Learnings - June 18, 2019 2 Live Coding Learnings - June 19, 2019 3 Live Coding Lea...
Understanding Important Concepts in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) - Without any Code-拾光赋

Understanding Important Concepts in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) – Without any Code

Understanding Important Concepts in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) - Without any Code,OOP or Object Oriented Programming is an important topic we need to study whenever we get i...
Unmarshalling the Marshalled: XML BINDING IN JAVA-拾光赋

Unmarshalling the Marshalled: XML BINDING IN JAVA

Unmarshalling the Marshalled: XML BINDING IN JAVA,During my first software engineering internship, I was tasked to build a USSD application. Since USSD applications are unstructure...
My first post in dev community-拾光赋

My first post in dev community

My first post in dev community,class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println('Hello, World! This is my first post on dev community'); } } 原文链接...