วิธีทำ Kong ให้รับ JWT + วิธี Generate JWT Token ด้วย Quarkus (Smallrye JWT)-拾光赋

วิธีทำ Kong ให้รับ JWT + วิธี Generate JWT Token ด้วย Quarkus (Smallrye JWT)

วิธีทำ Kong ให้รับ JWT + วิธี Generate JWT Token ด้วย Quarkus (Smallrye JWT), กว่าจะทำได้กินเวลาไป 2 ชม.เต็มๆ เรื่องมันเร...
Building a Simple CRUD Banking Application with Spring Boot and Swagger UI-拾光赋

Building a Simple CRUD Banking Application with Spring Boot and Swagger UI

Building a Simple CRUD Banking Application with Spring Boot and Swagger UI,Spring Boot makes building robust and production-ready applications seamless with its simplicity and powe...


interesting question about Java-拾光赋

interesting question about Java

interesting question about Java,Hey world changers!! I'm learning Java and I'm finding that I understand it a little too well and I don't know why. Is it meant to be understand ver...
Web UI tests reinforcement with webtau framework (Selenium based)-拾光赋

Web UI tests reinforcement with webtau framework (Selenium based)

Web UI tests reinforcement with webtau framework (Selenium based),One of the biggest problem with Web UI tests is their brittleness. Moving a page element around or replacing an in...
Binary Search Algorithm-拾光赋

Binary Search Algorithm

Binary Search Algorithm, What is Binary search? Binary search is an algorithm that solves search problems, and its input is a sorted list of elements. If an element you’re looking...
Hello world um pouco por trás dos panos-拾光赋

Hello world um pouco por trás dos panos

Hello world um pouco por trás dos panos,Falando do famoso 'Hello World' . Bom... a primeira coisa que nos deparamos ao interagir com alguma linguagem é o famoso hello world, e no...


JDK线程池详解(全网最全-原理解析、源码详解),频繁创建新线程的缺点? 不受控风险 系统资源有限,每个人针对不同业务都可以手动创建线程,并且创建标准不一样(比如线程没有名字)。当系统运...
Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file-拾光赋

Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file

Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file,需要修改一较旧的网页代码,当打开时,却出现异常提示:   Some bytes have been replaced w...


JVM(程序计数器,栈,堆),JVM的内存结构 程序计数器 虚拟机栈 本地方法栈 堆 方法区 程序计数器 二进制字节码-->解释器-->机器码-->CPU 作用 记录下一条JVM指令的执行地址 特点 线程...
Day 6: Anagram Detector-拾光赋

Day 6: Anagram Detector

Day 6: Anagram Detector, 100 Days of Code (48 Part Series) 1 Day 1: Two Sum 2 Day 2: Check Prime ... 44 more parts... 3 Day 3: Hex Colour 4 Day 4: Repeating Numbers 5 Day 5: Neares...
Como alavancar sua carreira JAVA conhecendo a injeção de dependência do Spring.-拾光赋

Como alavancar sua carreira JAVA conhecendo a injeção de dependência do Spring.

Como alavancar sua carreira JAVA conhecendo a injeção de dependência do Spring., Estudando sobre Spring Framework e as tecnologias da ferramenta para facilitar o desenvolvimento...