[ Database ] – SQLAlchemy “or_” function
[ Database ] - SQLAlchemy 'or_' function,진행중인 프로젝트에서 이번에 검색 기능을 추가하기로 했다. 쉽게 상품이 있는데, 한글과 영어로 된 이름이 모두 상품 테이블에 각 컬럼별로 존재한...
Simple Hello world progrom in flask | Mega flask tutorial
Simple Hello world progrom in flask | Mega flask tutorial, Introduction Creating hello world program is very easy in Flask as compared to other web frameworks like Django, web2py, ...
A GPA caculator
A GPA caculator,I built a GPA calculator A GPA means Grade Point Average which is used in Universities to calculate the results of students who have written an exam or particular t...
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Data Science
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Data Science,Interested in learning Data Science, welcome. In my simple version Data science is collecting, cleaning and analyzing data to ...
WHY IS PYTHON CONSIDERED A DREAM TICKET FOR HIGH-PAYING JOBS?,Python, for naïve aspirants, is just a coding language but otherwise, it is considered the Swiss army knife of coding...
The Objectively Best Way to Indent your Code
The Objectively Best Way to Indent your Code,Tabs or spaces? Every programmer was at some point confronted by this career-defining choice. But with this post today I'll expand the ...
Reverse Integer without converting into a String
Reverse Integer without converting into a String,Explanation : Everyone is familiar with String reverse by when it comes to Integer we must go foe a different technique using Java ...
From Java to Kotlin. There and back again
From Java to Kotlin. There and back again,In this article, I would like to consider the problems and their solutions, which we encountered during the migration of our small microse...
Top 3 Casts of the Week #4
Top 3 Casts of the Week #4,It's that time of the week again where we give our love to our top 3 Casts of the week on CodeCast! This week, we have some great videos in store for you...
Did my site build just go down?
Did my site build just go down?, til (81 Part Series) 1 fugitive verbose commit 2 Adding __rich__ methods to python classes ... 77 more parts... 3 Installing system nerd-fonts with...
Feature Flag Platform with FF4J, Spring, Postgres and Kubernetes
Feature Flag Platform with FF4J, Spring, Postgres and Kubernetes,This project implementing Feature Flags Platform with SpringBoot, Spring Security, Postgres and FF4J. Here is the c...
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Theory
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Theory, Principal component analysis is a method of summarizing the information in multidimensional data observed for features that are correlate...
Sometimes, you have to make your own happy ending.