

每次下载idea都必装的十个插件!,IDEA必备插件 Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines 功能: 阿里巴巴Java开发规范插件,用于代码规范检查。 特点: 基于阿里巴巴Java开发手册,提供实时代码规范检查,...
Why I'm Building Stelvio-拾光赋

Why I’m Building Stelvio

Why I'm Building Stelvio,Before, I wrote about The future of software development in the cloud. Today, I want to tell you why I'm building Stelvio and what problems it solves. I've...
年后,Java 行情爆了。。。-拾光赋

年后,Java 行情爆了。。。

年后,Java 行情爆了。。。,大家好,我是R哥。 好消息,年后这波行情感觉回暖了,金三银四这个传统招聘旺季,终于又卷土重来了。 年后刚过,就听到好几个小伙伴反馈:拿到 offer 了,面试机会多...
Javascript => Python-拾光赋

Javascript => Python

Javascript => Python,Introduction In JavaScript, developers often rely on various array methods to perform operations efficiently. However, transitioning to Python can feel jarring...
Blackfire now supports Java: deeper insights, faster optimization-拾光赋

Blackfire now supports Java: deeper insights, faster optimization

Blackfire now supports Java: deeper insights, faster optimization ,We're excited to announce: Blackfire continuous profiling now supports Java! 🤯 Java is one of the most widely us...
.net 8 web api使用SqlSugar搭建仓储模式+Autofac依赖注入-拾光赋

.net 8 web api使用SqlSugar搭建仓储模式+Autofac依赖注入

.net 8 web api使用SqlSugar搭建仓储模式+Autofac依赖注入,废话少说直接上重点,使用SqlSugar搭建仓储模式,之前自己搭建的一个相对基础同时还算稳定的一个框架; 创建解决方案....创建项目省过.....
Playing with HashMap(); in java-拾光赋

Playing with HashMap(); in java

Playing with HashMap(); in java,Today learned the intresting topic to see is HashMap Concept and play with HashMap are output: {2=Apple, 3=Grapes, 4=orange} {2=Apple, 3=Grapes} Ban...
Combining sync and async Python code: writing a DRY package-拾光赋

Combining sync and async Python code: writing a DRY package

Combining sync and async Python code: writing a DRY package, Async Python Directly from the Python docs: asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax....
Building a Spring Boot CRUD Application Using MongoDB’s Relational Migrator-拾光赋

Building a Spring Boot CRUD Application Using MongoDB’s Relational Migrator

Building a Spring Boot CRUD Application Using MongoDB’s Relational Migrator,Imagine this: You’re working with a relational database that’s served you well for years, but now you...
Understanding Covariance and Contravariance in Java-拾光赋

Understanding Covariance and Contravariance in Java

Understanding Covariance and Contravariance in Java, 1. What is Covariance and Contravariance in Java? 1.1 Covariance in Java Covariance allows us to assign a more derived type to ...
Yet another document ingestion project with Docling and IBM Cloud Code Engine (serverless)-拾光赋

Yet another document ingestion project with Docling and IBM Cloud Code Engine (serverless)

Yet another document ingestion project with Docling and IBM Cloud Code Engine (serverless),A recent project concept, using a serverless application powered by Docling document inge...
RandomEqualize in PyTorch-拾光赋

RandomEqualize in PyTorch

RandomEqualize in PyTorch,Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: My post explains OxfordIIITPet(). RandomEqualize() can randomly equalize the histogram of an image with a given probability as sho...