My Development Setup on a Macbook-拾光赋

My Development Setup on a Macbook

My Development Setup on a Macbook,I recently purchased a new 13' Macbook Pro 2015(after Apple's brilliant keynote) and quite like it so far. This is my first experience with macOS....
How to Deploy a Django Site in 2022-拾光赋

How to Deploy a Django Site in 2022

How to Deploy a Django Site in 2022,It’s a confusing place out there. You’ve built a great site with Django and the next step is getting it in front of people… but where to star...
A Junior's Development Setup-拾光赋

A Junior’s Development Setup

A Junior's Development Setup,So after reading Karan Sharma's on his setup, I felt compelled to write a little post of my own. Who Am I and What Kind of Development Do I Do? I was a...
Why I prefer Kotlin-拾光赋

Why I prefer Kotlin

Why I prefer Kotlin,I've been an enterprise Java developer for a little over 10 years, and I've been using Java for just over 16 years - back when Java 1.3 was the latest and great...
Data classes in Kotlin-拾光赋

Data classes in Kotlin

Data classes in Kotlin,(Crazy busy day today, so simple article to meet my quota. Sorry) I mentioned before about Kotlin being significantly streamlined as compared to Java. And on...
Cucumber and Spring Boot-拾光赋

Cucumber and Spring Boot

Cucumber and Spring Boot,I'm a big automated testing fan. Both work and personal, it just makes life easier. And I'm not just talking about unit testing. Integration/Acceptance/Ver...
Create Executable Kotlin JARs, using Gradle-拾光赋

Create Executable Kotlin JARs, using Gradle

Create Executable Kotlin JARs, using Gradle,This article was originally posted in my blog Kotlin is great for creating small command-line utilities, which can be packaged and distr...
Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 1)-拾光赋

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 1)

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 1),In this series we'll review several basic concepts to ramp up with concurrent programming in Java. I know, Internet is full of reference...
Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 2)-拾光赋

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 2)

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 2),In the first post of the series we saw some basic multithreading concepts using a practical approach. With the implementation of a Ping ...
Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 3)-拾光赋

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 3)

Multithreading in Java for dummies (part 3),This will be the last post of this series about multithreading. In the second post, we left our Ping Pong game in a good position, with ...
Why I like Maven-拾光赋

Why I like Maven

Why I like Maven,When I first started using Java, Maven didn't exist. And by that, I mean Maven 1.0 Beta 2 - the oldest entry on the Apache Maven Release History page - hadn't yet ...
What about java or javafx future? Should I start to learn javascript?-拾光赋

What about java or javafx future? Should I start to learn javascript?

What about java or javafx future? Should I start to learn javascript?, 原文链接:What about java or javafx future? Should I start to learn javascript?
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The course of true love never did run smooth.