Do you use Docker or Virtualenv for Python?-拾光赋

Do you use Docker or Virtualenv for Python?

Do you use Docker or Virtualenv for Python?,Recently I wrote a post on using Docker for Jupyter and Python with the Intel Python2 distribition for data science. With this, I got so...


TwitterのタイムラインからURLを抽出してRSSにしてFeedlyで読む,昨今の界隈ではLDRことLive Dwango Reader (ex. Livedoor Reader)がサービス終了したことが話題になった。 自分はRSS readerには...
Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps - Part 3-拾光赋

Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps – Part 3

Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps - Part 3,In this series, you will learn how to create modern web applications with Python, Flask, and Angular.  Part ...
Introduction to Aspose.CAD library-拾光赋

Introduction to Aspose.CAD library

Introduction to Aspose.CAD library,Aspose.CAD is a standalone software library for .Net and Java platforms that reads CAD files such as DWG, DXF, DNG, IFC, STL files and can export...
Browser automation using docker and python-拾光赋

Browser automation using docker and python

Browser automation using docker and python,Few weeks ago I was working on the new report of customer's game. The platform that's providing campaigns reports don't have public API t...
Maven for Ant People-拾光赋

Maven for Ant People

Maven for Ant People,Ant people often find Maven completely mystifying. I know I did. I work at a shop that was, until recently, completely Ant based. We built complex build script...
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8-拾光赋

How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8

How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8,For the most part, single line lambda functions are all you need. This is a single line lambda: Predicate<Sound> isBark = sound ->...
Let's Build Chuck Norris! - Part 4: Python and ctypes-拾光赋

Let’s Build Chuck Norris! – Part 4: Python and ctypes

Let's Build Chuck Norris! - Part 4: Python and ctypes, Let's Build Chuck Norris! (9 Part Series) 1 Introducing the 'Let's Build Chuck Norris!' Project 2 Let's Build Chuck Norris! -...
Helping pandoc generate a correct table of contents from HTML input-拾光赋

Helping pandoc generate a correct table of contents from HTML input

Helping pandoc generate a correct table of contents from HTML input,TL;DR: pandoc expects chapter headers to be placed directly inside the body node. No <div> wrappers allowe...
How to Block Unwanted SSH Login Attempts with PyFilter on Ubuntu 16.04-拾光赋

How to Block Unwanted SSH Login Attempts with PyFilter on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Block Unwanted SSH Login Attempts with PyFilter on Ubuntu 16.04,Written By: Jason Hall Introduction Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating netw...
Data Science Cardio 1 - Weather-拾光赋

Data Science Cardio 1 – Weather

Data Science Cardio 1 - Weather,I'm going to shamelessly borrow the idea of programming cardio from Wes Bos's JavaScript30 course. I thought you folks might like it if I present a ...
(Slightly more advanced) deployment with git-拾光赋

(Slightly more advanced) deployment with git

(Slightly more advanced) deployment with git, Deploying can sometimes be a pain and go wrong As most developers can confirm, deploying and updating a basic web application isn't re...