How can We implement Data Structures and Algorithms in Backend Frameworks to reach O(log(n)) Run Time ?
How can We implement Data Structures and Algorithms in Backend Frameworks to reach O(log(n)) Run Time ?,Backend frameworks/platforms like Node.js(EcmaScript) and Django(Python). fo...
How to integrate Spotify and Genius API to easily crawl song lyrics with Python
How to integrate Spotify and Genius API to easily crawl song lyrics with Python, This post was originally published on my personal blog. Hello, everyone! For this post, I decided t...
Dict Moves in Python
Dict Moves in Python,Quick tip time! Today, I started the #100DaysOfCode challenge again (for the millionth time). I'm determined to actually succeed at this challenge, and I refus...
How Haptik generates images on the fly with Python – Part 2
How Haptik generates images on the fly with Python - Part 2,In the first post of this series, I introduced you to the basics of text drawing in Python by adding a greeting text on ...
Django: Moving away from project vs app dichotomy
Django: Moving away from project vs app dichotomy,I was looking at one of exercise of a developer learning how to build app using Django. His directory structure look like this:- c...
Efficiently compute permutations
Efficiently compute permutations, Permutation : each of several possible ways in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged. The problem Given several items, it cou...
Let’s Build Chuck Norris! – Part 5: Python and cffi
Let's Build Chuck Norris! - Part 5: Python and cffi, Let's Build Chuck Norris! (9 Part Series) 1 Introducing the 'Let's Build Chuck Norris!' Project 2 Let's Build Chuck Norris! - P...
How I developed a captcha cracker for my University’s website
How I developed a captcha cracker for my University's website,Hello again! Consider this a spinoff of my original article. I had some requests from the readers to explain how I dev...
Should I go for JS or Python in long run in my career?
Should I go for JS or Python in long run in my career?,I've been preparing for jobs in mostly web development here in India, and I've been learning DS & Algorithms with Python ...
Server to server communication using GraphQL
Server to server communication using GraphQL,The development of the Go API server I was 'documenting' a couple of weeks ago has gone forward. Since then I added tests (mostly funct...
Go functional with Java
Go functional with Java,Java has been the most popular language since it's launch, because it's creators have made sure that the language doesn't miss on anything and sustains it o...
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet,Modifiers in Java still seem tricky to me, so I'll try to put it as short as possible. Modifiers are words that alter the class / method ...