Should I carry on with Django or Node.js?-拾光赋

Should I carry on with Django or Node.js?

Should I carry on with Django or Node.js?,Hello everyone I'm just another fellow beginner, I've been trying to learn Node.js from mostly YouTube videos and MDN and other online res...
Learning Chinese with Python-拾光赋

Learning Chinese with Python

Learning Chinese with Python, Intro I have been learning Chinese since 2016. Unfortunately it goes slowly but from time to time I receive some task to prepare. Then I need to cover...
Today I learned: building an application's GUI using Glade-拾光赋

Today I learned: building an application’s GUI using Glade

Today I learned: building an application's GUI using Glade,I've wrote a lot of Python's scripts for many task, such like web scraping or Telegram cool things. But until this week I...
System Python is not for you-拾光赋

System Python is not for you

System Python is not for you,If you already did some python development or just getting started, one of the advice you would always get is to never mess with the system python - th...
Check Your Passwords for Pwnage - The Pythonic Way-拾光赋

Check Your Passwords for Pwnage – The Pythonic Way

Check Your Passwords for Pwnage - The Pythonic Way,We humans rarely practice enough as software developers. Therefore, as a practice I decided to roll out my first public Python pa...
I am kind of baffled by this code in the `__init__.py` file in my Python project. How does this work internally?-拾光赋

I am kind of baffled by this code in the `__init__.py` file in my Python project. How does this work internally?

I am kind of baffled by this code in the `__init__.py` file in my Python project. How does this work internally?,So, I have the following Python code residing in the __init__.py fi...


CopyMaker,Hi people, I wanted to show you a little utility I made and decided to publish on GitHub. I work mainly with a legacy ERP with it's own database, and many times I need to...
Deploy Java Application To Cloud Foundry In Less Than An Hour-拾光赋

Deploy Java Application To Cloud Foundry In Less Than An Hour

Deploy Java Application To Cloud Foundry In Less Than An Hour, Introduction: This article talks about setting up PCF on your Local Workstation with PCF Dev and deploy a Java applic...
Java Override Equals Override `equals` method in Java-拾光赋

Java Override Equals Override `equals` method in Java

Java Override Equals Override `equals` method in Java,The == operator is a false friend in Java. It works properly only on primitive and will make you cry if you used it on any oth...
The beautiful marriage of Python and MongoDB-拾光赋

The beautiful marriage of Python and MongoDB

The beautiful marriage of Python and MongoDB,I'm a PHP developer and managing big data stored with this language is not so easy. Add data to the db is not a problem, but retrieving...
PlugFace Reborn - the Java Plugin System-拾光赋

PlugFace Reborn – the Java Plugin System

PlugFace Reborn - the Java Plugin System,Visit https://plugface.matteojoliveau.com for the full documentation One year ago I came across the need to dynamically load bits of code i...
Can we say that JS can be compiled on Node.js? [Novice Quesiton]-拾光赋

Can we say that JS can be compiled on Node.js? [Novice Quesiton]

Can we say that JS can be compiled on Node.js? [Novice Quesiton],I am reading You Don't know JS it says, but despite the fact that JavaScript falls under the general category of 'd...