Implementing in-app language change
Implementing in-app language change,Android resolves language- and culture-specific resources based on the system locale setting. This is a desired behavior that makes perfect sens...
Como criar uma aplicação REST API básica com Spark
Como criar uma aplicação REST API básica com Spark,Através do micro framework Spark é possível criar micro serviços web com grande facilidade, envelopar num jar gordo e bota...
Polyglot Tinkering – Moving to Firefox with Python
Polyglot Tinkering - Moving to Firefox with Python,This post first appeared on my blog. Firefox? I started working as a web developer during the spring of 2002, less than a year af...
My favorite technology-related podcasts
My favorite technology-related podcasts, Why are the podcasts worth listening? I started listening to podcasts regularly about two years ago. I had an hour-long commute to my unive...
Python: update a dict by object
Python: update a dict by object,When you have a dict and a non-iterable object you'd like to update the dict from, you can do this: class A: def __init__(self): self.fields_names_l...
In-memory database tests with Querydsl
In-memory database tests with Querydsl,Writing tests is an important skill of a software engineer. I used to write lots of very focused, narrow unit tests. However, I often found s...
Snake case to camel case and back using regular expressions and Python
Snake case to camel case and back using regular expressions and Python,Snake case and Camel case are conventions of naming variables, functions and classes. Most teams and projects...
Natural Language Processing Using Python NLTK
Natural Language Processing Using Python NLTK,1 What is NLP? 2 Benefits of NLP 3 NLP Implementations 4 NLP Libraries 5 Install NLTK 6 Tokenize Text Using Pure Python 7 Count Word F...
How being lazy, led me to publicize my first python package
How being lazy, led me to publicize my first python package,There is a common saying, in the software industry, which goes like: I want to hire a lazy developer because he will fin...
Running a serverless voter campaign with Contentful and Twilio
Running a serverless voter campaign with Contentful and Twilio, Polly Politician is looking to get voted into office. She has teamed up with Selly Celebrity, and together they are ...
Kissing the state machine goodbye
Kissing the state machine goodbye,Recently, I have written about simplifying an event sourced application. The article starts with code from a talk by Jakub Pilimon and Kenny Basta...
Get your nose in your python (starting with `nose2`)
Get your nose in your python (starting with `nose2`),I need to build some tests with python. This can usually be done coding a module with many asserts or doing everything manually...