Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 Command-拾光赋

Design Patterns in Web Development – #1 Command

Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 Command, Design Patterns in Web Development (3 Part Series) 1 Design Patterns in Web Development 2 Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 C...
Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]-拾光赋

Object detection Part 4 – Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]

Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow], 原文链接:Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]
Java is still free!-拾光赋

Java is still free!

Java is still free!,I see a lot of posts lamenting about how Java is now being paid for. I feel a lot of people are getting it wrong...and right. Oracle JDK Perhaps when you starte...
Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow]-拾光赋

Object detection Part 3 – Local training [Tensorflow]

Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow], 原文链接:Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow]
Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.-拾光赋

Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.

Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.,With the new 6 months Java release cycle, you should expect cool features to get to developers at a faster rate. I have seen some cool...
Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?-拾光赋

Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?

Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?,I've banged out a quick-and-dirty Python script to generate HTML that displays the bilingual tech comic 'CommitStrip' side-...
Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!-拾光赋

Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!

Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!,Hey there, this is my first post on dev.to, so I thought I'd share a short little trick I learned that makes websites look better! For starters, ...
Generating data classes in Java-拾光赋

Generating data classes in Java

Generating data classes in Java,Kotlin has a concise syntax to declare data classes: data class User(val name: String, val age: Int) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode The ...
Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3-拾光赋

Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3

Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3, simple-python-project-progression (2 Part Series) 1 Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3 2 Dockerizing a Simple Pyth...
TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008)-拾光赋

TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008)

TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008),“TetrisDAI” is an open source Tetris clone (highly modular) written in Java 1.6 (aka Java SE 6) with NetBeans. It is my first Java game and...
Fibonacci: Recursion vs Iteration-拾光赋

Fibonacci: Recursion vs Iteration

Fibonacci: Recursion vs Iteration, A common whiteboard problem that I have been asked to solve couple times, has been to 'write a function to generate the nth Fibonacci number star...
Selenium WebDriver and Dynamic Locators-拾光赋

Selenium WebDriver and Dynamic Locators

Selenium WebDriver and Dynamic Locators,As we all know, functional testing scripts that run through the UI need stable locators in order to locate the elements. Selenium uses the f...