11 Popular Technologies and the Wackadoo Origins of Their Names
11 Popular Technologies and the Wackadoo Origins of Their Names,Or: Why Computer Geeks Typically Leave the Words to the English Majors Software engineers hold a revered status in ...
ASCII Art In Python
ASCII Art In Python,ASCII art is also known as 'computer text art'. It involves the smart placement of typed special characters or letters to make a visual shape that is spread ove...
Create a two-player game with Python and Vue
Create a two-player game with Python and Vue, You will need Python 3+, virtualenv and Flask installed on your machine. The advent of the PC and the internet has redefined the term ...
Working with JSON in Python
Working with JSON in Python,Often developers need to deal with data in various different formats and JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is one of the most popular formats ...
Trucos Aws Lambda (parte 2)
Trucos Aws Lambda (parte 2), lambda tricks (2 Part Series) 1 Trucos con AWS Lambda. (Parte 1) 2 Trucos Aws Lambda (parte 2) Trucos con AWS Lambda (II). Truco 1. Utiliza las tags. L...
defaultdicts: Never Check If a Key is Present Again!
defaultdicts: Never Check If a Key is Present Again!,Cover image by Romain Vignes on Unsplash. It's fall, so it seems like the perfect time to write some posts about PSL. Nope, not...
Introduction to Apache Ignite
Introduction to Apache Ignite, Apache Ignite is a distributed caching platform that allows for transactions. It is capable of scaling to 1000s of nodes, while providing high speed ...
StormScript: My Thoughts on How Syntax Should Be
StormScript: My Thoughts on How Syntax Should Be, A Brief Introduction In most people's terms, I am new to programming. I am a high schooler with ~4 years of experience programming...
PyCM : Full analysis of confusion matrix
PyCM : Full analysis of confusion matrix, PyCM is a multi-class confusion matrix library written in Python that supports both input data vectors and direct matrix, and a proper too...
Let’s make SpringBoot app start faster
Let's make SpringBoot app start faster, 'How Fast is Spring?' is a session at Spring One Platform 2018. I watched the video and tried it by myself. So I introduce here what I did a...
Stackless Quicksort
Stackless Quicksort,Quicksort is a famous example of a recursive algorithm. Here is a sub-optimal implementation: def qsort(lst, start=0, end=None): if end is None: end = len(lst) ...
Dockerizing a Simple Python Process
Dockerizing a Simple Python Process, simple-python-project-progression (2 Part Series) 1 Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3 2 Dockerizing a Simple Python Process Thi...