Rename your files depending on .extension!
Rename your files depending on .extension!, Useful tool If you want to rename your dataset samples for ML and you might have a lot of them (you should btw) or maybe you need to set...
Assemble your External Documents Dynamically using Java API
Assemble your External Documents Dynamically using Java API,Document automation is not a one dimensional process, but a multi-faceted, collaborative set of harmonized sub-systems f...
A quick look at Java 11’s HttpClient
A quick look at Java 11's HttpClient,This article was originally posted on my blog Java 11 was released in September 2018 and is the first Long-Term-Support version after Java 8. O...
Python Package Structure Dead Simple Python: Project Structure and Imports
Python Package Structure Dead Simple Python: Project Structure and Imports, Dead Simple Python (13 Part Series) 1 Introducing 'Dead Simple Python' 2 Dead Simple Python: Virtual Env...
Useful stream utilities not found in Java
Useful stream utilities not found in Java,Photo by Karan Chawla on Unsplash A bit of context The standard Java library makes a reasonable attempt to provide useful utility methods ...
Learning Python — The Pretty Devil
Learning Python — The Pretty Devil, Learning Python — The Pretty Devil Hurdles faced by people learning python Switching from Java to python was not difficult for me. Though ...
Introduction to Strings in Python
Introduction to Strings in Python, Introduction to Strings in Python Strings are an essential part of just about any programming language. A string is an array of characters. Is wo...
Setting Up PEP8 and Pylint on VS Code
Setting Up PEP8 and Pylint on VS Code, Formatting Python Code to pass the Maintainability test can be hard; especially if you are not receiving some help. It's in human nature to g...
Python code to copy all objects from one S3 bucket to another
Python code to copy all objects from one S3 bucket to another,import boto3 s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3') new_bucket_name = 'targetBucketName' bucket_to_copy = 'sourceBucketNam...
Mu The New Python Editor in Town to Teach Programming – Read Time: 5 Mins
Mu The New Python Editor in Town to Teach Programming - Read Time: 5 Mins, Introduction In the past when I was teaching programming to kids from age 11 - 15 or young adults, it was...
Spring Security with JWT
Spring Security with JWT,Spring Security’s default behavior is easy to use for a standard web application. It uses cookie-based authentication and sessions. Also, it automatically...
I’ve created my first telegram bot with Python
I've created my first telegram bot with Python,you can try it right from telegram @randomovie_bot or through this direct telegram link This bot basically let you set your preferred...