Using PyUnit For Testing A Selenium Python Test Suite
Using PyUnit For Testing A Selenium Python Test Suite,Selenium, as we know, is an open-source test suite used for cross-platform browser automation. Due to its popularity and ease ...
Nested json to python object
Nested json to python object,Today i was creating a configuration file, in the past, i accessed configuration as a dictionary, but this time, i think about changing that. The follw...
Benchmarking WebSocket Servers with Python!
Benchmarking WebSocket Servers with Python!,WebSockets run a large part of the web today. But which servers and frameworks are the best? Well, that depends on how you define best. ...
Dril Or No Dril? Building a text classifier in TensorFlow
Dril Or No Dril? Building a text classifier in TensorFlow,There is a ton of different tensorflow posts on the web already, and many of them are actually good. This is not that. Thi...
Building an Autoencoder for Generative Models
Building an Autoencoder for Generative Models,Cover image by Justin Lincoln, on Flickr Learn about autoencoders in this article by Patrick D. Smith, the data science lead for Excel...
Asserting Exceptions with Pytest
Asserting Exceptions with Pytest, Python TDD with pytest (5 Part Series) 1 Python TDD with Pytest -- Getting Started 2 Asserting Exceptions with Pytest 3 Capturing print statements...
I tried Nodejs and I like it
I tried Nodejs and I like it,I had a chance to try Node.js framework last month; I decided to build REST APIs using Node.js and express.js. Regularly I'm using JavaScript in my dai...
Difference between `==` and `is` in Python, and when to use each of them
Difference between `==` and `is` in Python, and when to use each of them,In Python there are many comparison operators; you always use them to check something in your code and let ...
Using Galen Framework For Automated Cross Browser Layout Testing
Using Galen Framework For Automated Cross Browser Layout Testing,Galen Framework is a test automation framework which was originally introduced to perform cross browser layout test...
Poetically Packaging Your Python Project
Poetically Packaging Your Python Project, It wasn't long ago that we Hackers were singing the praises of Pipenv: Python's seemingly superior dependency manager at the time. While w...
TypeError: JavaScript
TypeError: JavaScript,Can you add a number and an alphabet? Say, if I ask you to give me the result of the addition of 1 and H will you be able to give me the answer? The obvious a...
How to Create and Publish Python Package.
How to Create and Publish Python Package.,Hello World! Python has a simple way of creating and publishing packages. Python Package Index is a package repository which maintains all...