I tried to use Test-Driven Development-拾光赋

I tried to use Test-Driven Development

I tried to use Test-Driven Development, We will look into how to use test-driven development in order to write code. I go through the process I use in order to create self-document...
Three Ways To Add an ActionListener In Java Swing-拾光赋

Three Ways To Add an ActionListener In Java Swing

Three Ways To Add an ActionListener In Java Swing,When building GUI’s, the interface needs a way to listen and respond to events. Events are triggered when the user interacts with...
Apache Camel #3 - RabbitMq-拾光赋

Apache Camel #3 – RabbitMq

Apache Camel #3 - RabbitMq,Hello there again! It passed 2 months since my last article, so I decided to write a new one. Today we will focus on RabbitMq and what we can do with it ...
The Principles of Object Orientated Programming as explained by Pokémon-拾光赋

The Principles of Object Orientated Programming as explained by Pokémon

The Principles of Object Orientated Programming as explained by Pokémon, Why Pokémon? Why not? Many of my peers grew up with Pokémon or now have kids that are watching Pokémon....
Install and manage multiple Java versions on Linux using alternatives-拾光赋

Install and manage multiple Java versions on Linux using alternatives

Install and manage multiple Java versions on Linux using alternatives,On this post, I will guide you on installing Java on your development Linux machine. I decided to do this post...
Rock Paper Scissor classifier using fast AI and restnet 34 pretrained model-拾光赋

Rock Paper Scissor classifier using fast AI and restnet 34 pretrained model

Rock Paper Scissor classifier using fast AI and restnet 34 pretrained model, We will be executing the below code in https://colab.research.google.com notebook Step1: Import fast ai...
Function Decorators Problem in Python-拾光赋

Function Decorators Problem in Python

Function Decorators Problem in Python,I came across an interesting problem recently to do with a concept I was pretty unfamiliar with: function decorators. The problem came from th...
10 Eclipse plugins you shouldn’t code without-拾光赋

10 Eclipse plugins you shouldn’t code without

10 Eclipse plugins you shouldn’t code without, Developers primarily work from their favorite IDE (integrated development environment). For that reason, good IDE extensions and plu...
Generate jooq classes using docker containers-拾光赋

Generate jooq classes using docker containers

Generate jooq classes using docker containers,Tech stack - #java, #maven, #liquibase, #docker Why? I will talk about what we did to achieve below things, Generate jooq-classes from...
Weekly Links #1-拾光赋

Weekly Links #1

Weekly Links #1, Weekly Links 2019 (14 Part Series) 1 Weekly Links #1 2 Weekly Links #2 ... 10 more parts... 3 Weekly Links #3 4 Weekly Links #4 5 Weekly Links #5 6 Weekly Links #6...
Java vs Kotlin for Android App Development-拾光赋

Java vs Kotlin for Android App Development

Java vs Kotlin for Android App Development,Guess the language: easy-to-learn, concise and has the official status “ready for Android development”? Apparently, we’re talking abou...
How to install Payara 5 with NGINX and Let's Encrypt over Oracle Linux 7.x-拾光赋

How to install Payara 5 with NGINX and Let’s Encrypt over Oracle Linux 7.x

How to install Payara 5 with NGINX and Let's Encrypt over Oracle Linux 7.x, From field experiences I must affirm that one of the greatest and stable combinations is Java Applicatio...