You may not need Airflow…. yet-拾光赋

You may not need Airflow…. yet

You may not need Airflow…. yet,TL;DR: Airflow is robust and flexible, but complicated. If you are just starting to schedule data tasks, you may want to try more tailored solutions...
Synchronized ArrayList in Java-拾光赋

Synchronized ArrayList in Java

Synchronized ArrayList in Java,Implementation of arrayList is not synchronized is by default. It means if a thread modifies it structurally and multiple threads access it concurren...
Spring Boot performance benchmarks with Tomcat, Undertow and Webflux-拾光赋

Spring Boot performance benchmarks with Tomcat, Undertow and Webflux

Spring Boot performance benchmarks with Tomcat, Undertow and Webflux, Tomcat vs Undertow vs Webflux JHipster is used by thousands of people to generate production-ready Spring Boot...
Best Django Secret generator-拾光赋

Best Django Secret generator

Best Django Secret generator,Hey Guys, Its been a while since I last post something... So today I thought why not share one of the best Django secret generator I had seen. anyway t...
Python String Functions-拾光赋

Python String Functions

Python String Functions,Python string functions manipulate the string. In this post we'll learn about slicing, splitting, replacing and case conversion of string. Slicing a part of...
I have Created Dear Dairy App Using Django-拾光赋

I have Created Dear Dairy App Using Django

I have Created Dear Dairy App Using Django,Hello, Guy's, I have created DEAR DAIRY APP using Django. It's just a Quote Posting App. I make this is my first app because I am a begin...
Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 3 - Routes-拾光赋

Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 3 – Routes

Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 3 - Routes,Previous: Part 2: Start With A Loaded Skeleton I have configured what we need in this repo: Deliciou...
Relative Path to Virtual Env with VS Code-拾光赋

Relative Path to Virtual Env with VS Code

Relative Path to Virtual Env with VS Code,Given there is nothing to do outside the house these days, I thought I would fill some time this weekend and hack on some python code. The...
Malware Analysis with .NET and Java-拾光赋

Malware Analysis with .NET and Java

Malware Analysis with .NET and Java,This post serves as a write-up of the practical exercises offered in Pluralsight's Analyzing Malware for .NET and Java Binaries course. The cour...
Leetcode marathon day 2-拾光赋

Leetcode marathon day 2

Leetcode marathon day 2,The task of the second day is the task of finding a happy number: A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive in...
Using the factory design pattern with Kotlin-拾光赋

Using the factory design pattern with Kotlin

Using the factory design pattern with Kotlin, Introduction We all know design patterns or at least heard of them once in our lives as developers, they are supposed to ensure the ma...
From a Web Application to a Docker Image to a Deployment with Kubernetes-拾光赋

From a Web Application to a Docker Image to a Deployment with Kubernetes

From a Web Application to a Docker Image to a Deployment with Kubernetes, Spring Boot & Kubernetes (4 Part Series) 1 From a Web Application to a Docker Image to a Deployment wi...