How to Create a UDF in Presto-1
How to Create a UDF in Presto-1,How to Create a UDF in Presto-1 This article is going to talk about how we will create a UDF in Presto. When i started looking for creating an UDF, ...
One Liner Solution for Checking Power of Four, without log
One Liner Solution for Checking Power of Four, without log,Given an integer n, return true if it is a power of four. Otherwise, return false. An integer n is a power of four, if th...
Multi threading
Multi threading, What are threads? a thread is a part of a process under execution. When we run a java program, we often just run the process of JVM. JVM triggers the the 'main' th...
REPL driven development: immediate feedback for your backend code
REPL driven development: immediate feedback for your backend code,In this talk I explain the motivations for using a REPL, and where and how it can be used. The talk is mostly a li...
HackerRank #33 | Arraylist |
HackerRank #33 | Arraylist | ,Neste exercício devemos receber vários inputs diferentes. O exercício é bem complexo de ser compreendido (precisei de ajuda pra entender o enuncia...
Estratégias de Paralelismo e Divisão de Responsabilidades em Sistemas Complexos
Estratégias de Paralelismo e Divisão de Responsabilidades em Sistemas Complexos,Paralelismo é extremamente funcional quando temos algumas responsabilidades bem definidas dentro ...
Kotlin: Removing POJO Boilerplate
Kotlin: Removing POJO Boilerplate,Kotlin is very quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite languages to play with. It is a JVM language that offers static typing, built-in null ...
Why Python Json Dumps
Why Python Json Dumps,Json dumps can be used to take a Python data structure(list,tuple,dictionary,set) and generate a string in JSON format. That string can then be saved in a fil...
Clipboard Text Manipulation Python Script
Clipboard Text Manipulation Python Script, 原文链接:Clipboard Text Manipulation Python Script
Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Comprehensive Guide
Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Comprehensive Guide , Object Oriented Programming Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that models real-worl...
Flask vs Django
Flask vs Django, Flask or Django? According to the 2018 Python Developers Survey, Flask and Django are, by far, the most popular web frameworks for Python developers. You’ll hardl...
Real-time stream processing with Hazelcast and Pulsar
Real-time stream processing with Hazelcast and Pulsar,Real-time stream processing with Hazelcast and Pulsar Introduction One of the most useful features of real-time stream process...