How Networks Work: Exploring the Fundamentals of Switches, Routers, DNS, DHCP, NAT, VPN, and More-拾光赋

How Networks Work: Exploring the Fundamentals of Switches, Routers, DNS, DHCP, NAT, VPN, and More

How Networks Work: Exploring the Fundamentals of Switches, Routers, DNS, DHCP, NAT, VPN, and More, The world of networking may not always be considered the most exciting topic, par...
How to configure Profiles in Spring Boot-拾光赋

How to configure Profiles in Spring Boot

How to configure Profiles in Spring Boot, First step is to create a project in Spring Initializer using the default values as shown in image. Or if you're integrating in your curre...
Base Java Part 1-拾光赋

Base Java Part 1

Base Java Part 1, Base Java (3 Part Series) 1 Base Java Part 1 2 Base Java Part 2 (Class vs Object) 3 Base Java Part 3 (Datatypes In Java) This is a series covering Java basics, wh...
Dynamic Binding-拾光赋

Dynamic Binding

Dynamic Binding,A method can be implemented in several classes along the inheritance chain. The JVM decides which method is invoked at runtime. A method can be defined in a supercl...
How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (Part 6: the engine)-拾光赋

How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (Part 6: the engine)

How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (Part 6: the engine), How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (8 Part Series) 1 How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (Part 1: The Grammar) 2 Ho...
A Bloody Case Caused by a Thread Pool Rejection Strategy-拾光赋

A Bloody Case Caused by a Thread Pool Rejection Strategy

A Bloody Case Caused by a Thread Pool Rejection Strategy, Conduct an in-depth analysis of the full gc problem of the online business of the inventory center, and combine the soluti...
Functional handling of Collections in Java using Streams-拾光赋

Functional handling of Collections in Java using Streams

Functional handling of Collections in Java using Streams,Java Streams were introduced in Java 8. They provide a declarative (or more precise: functional) API to work with collectio...


内容摘自我的学习网站:topjavaer.cn 分享50道Java并发高频面试题。 线程池 线程池:一个管理线程的池子。 为什么平时都是使用线程池创建线程,直接new一个线程不好吗? 嗯,手动创建线程有两个...
wk7: java cli app retro-拾光赋

wk7: java cli app retro

wk7: java cli app retro,2 weeks ago, we were tasked with using Java and OOP concepts to build a command line-application that could read a dictionary text file, run a variety of se...


INTRODUCTION TO REGEX EXPRESSIONS FOR JAVA DEVELOPERS,According to oracle doc, Regular Expressions popularly called Regex are ways to describe a set of strings based on common char...
Solution: Divide Two Integers (ver. 2)-拾光赋

Solution: Divide Two Integers (ver. 2)

Solution: Divide Two Integers (ver. 2), Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Leetcode Sol...
How many log levels are there?-拾光赋

How many log levels are there?

How many log levels are there?,I'm building a tool to allow you to change the log levels of your application at runtime. In order to do that, I need to show you a dropdown of the v...