Python chained comparisons with == and !=
Python chained comparisons with == and !=,IDEA (PyCharm) suggested me today to simplify one condition in Python count > 0 and count != prev_count. I was asking myself how? And i...
Optimizing CPU usage by performing tasks in parallel with different priorities in Java
Optimizing CPU usage by performing tasks in parallel with different priorities in Java, Tutorials (13 Part Series) 1 How to create your own dependency injection framework in Java 2...
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview – Android Interview Questions.
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions.,Most Commonly Asked Android Interview Question for Android Developer. OOPS CONCEPT What are basic components o...
Health Check with Java Spring easier than walking backwards
Health Check with Java Spring easier than walking backwards, Direct to the point, the solution is Spring Actuator. For this post I'll assume that you already familiarized with Spri...
counters != countersWorking; SOLVED
counters != countersWorking; SOLVED,Hey everyone as for the title I am having trouble with my counters not working. They are itemCounts and discountCounts. They are arrays that hol...
Top-5 popular programming languages to learn
Top-5 popular programming languages to learn, The list of modern programming languages is really long. That’s why beginners who want their life to be in software development are l...
Back to Basics – Pandas #01
Back to Basics - Pandas #01, Introduction to Pandas Pandas Official Documentation. What is Pandas? As per the Pandas Official Documentation website: Pandas is an open source, BSD-l...
Web Scraping with Python Tutorial
Web Scraping with Python Tutorial, https://youtu.be/JU2GjEEj0TY In this tutorial, I use BeautifulSoup and Requests in Python to pull the market cap of a stock (AAPL) from Yahoo Fin...
The cost of parsing http
The cost of parsing http,When creating Simple Web Analytics I tried to be able to scale from the beginning. Coming from the Python world one thing I hear a lot is 'The database is ...
Using Value Objects with JPA
Using Value Objects with JPA, Domain-Driven Design (10 Part Series) 1 Strategic Domain-Driven Design 2 Tactical Domain-Driven Design ... 6 more parts... 3 Domain-Driven Design and ...
Introduction à Java
Introduction à Java,Bienvenue à ce tutoriel Introduction à la programmation Java. Nous allons voir pas à pas comment créer des programmes avec Java. Ce tutoriel est pour tous ...
PyScript :- The JS Killer?
PyScript :- The JS Killer?,We all have been hopping towards different programming languages for different purposes. Most of us prefer Python for Machine Learning and Data Analytics...