The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java-拾光赋

The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java

The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java, Photo by Jon Tyson on  Unsplash The first one-million dollar question that comes to every Android developer while starting a new projec ...


エポック秒から指定されたタイムゾーンの日付を取得する,エポック秒とタイムゾーンを指定して日付を取得する。 // 2017/10/01 00:00:00 のエポック秒 Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(...


文字列連結のパフォーマンス,Java本格入門で紹介されていた文字列連結を試す。1 10万回 1万回 5千回 千回 StringBuilder 7.4 0.7 0.5 0.1 String#concat 11.5 1.8 1.5 0.6 +演算子 3453.5 106....


カレンダーの行数を求める,カレンダーの行数を求める。 算出方法は以下を参考。 https://biz.hino-tama.com/creative/blog0012/ int calendarRows(LocalDate date) { if (date == null) { throw...
JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic-拾光赋

JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic

JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic,JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic Ashikur Rahman Any real-life entity/object have two parts Properties (Describes its height, we...
Build a PowerSet-拾光赋

Build a PowerSet

Build a PowerSet, What is a PowerSet? Why is it called a PowerSet? Is it good or bad for us? Will I need it on my next Angular/Machine learning project? If we look at Wikipedia for...
IntelliJ or Eclipse?-拾光赋

IntelliJ or Eclipse?

IntelliJ or Eclipse?, 原文链接:IntelliJ or Eclipse?
Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin-拾光赋

Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin

Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin,In today’s post I would like to talk about one of the projects I’m working on. I define it as light HTTP framework and it is made in pure Kot...
Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome... Or is it???-拾光赋

Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome… Or is it???

Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome... Or is it???, Simple Java Tools The JDK comes with a lot of great command-line tools on its own that support development. But on eve...
Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet-拾光赋

Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet

Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet,Originally posted at www.gunnargissel.com Streams are a way of working with objects in a collection. Streams allow a person to say what they want to have a...


MockitoでClassオブジェクトを返す,MockitoでClassオブジェクトを返すメソッドをモック化しようとした。 Foo foo = mock(Foo.class); when(foo.getBar()).thenReturn(Bar.class); Enter fullscr...
Deploying Java Apps with Kubernetes and the Ambassador API Gateway-拾光赋

Deploying Java Apps with Kubernetes and the Ambassador API Gateway

Deploying Java Apps with Kubernetes and the Ambassador API Gateway,In this article you’ll learn how to deploy three simple Java services into Kubernetes (running locally via the n...