Getting Started with Python and GraphQL – Part 1
Getting Started with Python and GraphQL - Part 1,note: this post is written by my co-worker Keyur, but we blog at the same location. Since it’s introduction by Facebook, GraphQL i...
Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Python and Jupyter Notebooks,Recently I have began to use Jupyter notebooks with Python but have struggled with the constant need to download dependencies or have something not dow...
Announcing SneakyThrow: A Java Library to ignore Checked Exceptions
Announcing SneakyThrow: A Java Library to ignore Checked Exceptions,Are you tired of writing 'catch-pseudo-code' for Java's Checked Exceptions? And let’s not think about that anno...
Java 10 — migration story
Java 10 — migration story,As you probably know Java 10 was recently released. Not so many new features. At least for Kotlin developers… But there are several improvements to JVM ...
Resources for Learning Python
Resources for Learning Python,About once a week, someone new to their journey writing code reaches out to me asking if I have know of any resources to learn Python. Since I'm curre...
var var = var().var.var()
var var = var().var.var(),var was introduced in Java10. It's interesting! jshell> Var var(){return new Var();} | created method var(), however, it cannot be referenced until cla...
Java – JVM Security Information Gathering
Java - JVM Security Information Gathering, Overview Over the last ~5 years I’ve worked with quite a few different Hadoop clusters. During this time, Java has changed quite a bit s...
SpringBoot2 Blocking Web vs Reactive Web
SpringBoot2 Blocking Web vs Reactive Web,Hello, I'm Mitz. This is the first post on dev.to. Nice to meet you :) Buzzwords into my ToolBox As many of you've heard Microservices, Blo...
Java 9 Flow API
Java 9 Flow API, Java 9 Flow API Flow API is Java's official support for Reactive Streams Specification. It is a combination of both Iterator(Pull) and Observer(Push) patterns. The...
Java Object Oriented Programing (OOP)
Java Object Oriented Programing (OOP),What is OOP? Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a software programming model constructed around objects. This model compartmentalizes data i...
Types: When I use, when I don’t.
Types: When I use, when I don't., Introduction Below is my personal perspective :) If I write a one-page program, I don't mind having no types, zero types, -1 types, and I'm happy ...
Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions – Part 3
Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions - Part 3,Orignally posted at www.gunnargissel.com Picking up where we left off in Part II, let's set the stage for using a validator. We lef...