Server to server communication using GraphQL
Server to server communication using GraphQL,The development of the Go API server I was 'documenting' a couple of weeks ago has gone forward. Since then I added tests (mostly funct...
Go functional with Java
Go functional with Java,Java has been the most popular language since it's launch, because it's creators have made sure that the language doesn't miss on anything and sustains it o...
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet,Modifiers in Java still seem tricky to me, so I'll try to put it as short as possible. Modifiers are words that alter the class / method ...
Do you use Docker or Virtualenv for Python?
Do you use Docker or Virtualenv for Python?,Recently I wrote a post on using Docker for Jupyter and Python with the Intel Python2 distribition for data science. With this, I got so...
TwitterのタイムラインからURLを抽出してRSSにしてFeedlyで読む,昨今の界隈ではLDRことLive Dwango Reader (ex. Livedoor Reader)がサービス終了したことが話題になった。 自分はRSS readerには...
Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps – Part 3
Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps - Part 3,In this series, you will learn how to create modern web applications with Python, Flask, and Angular. Part ...
Introduction to Aspose.CAD library
Introduction to Aspose.CAD library,Aspose.CAD is a standalone software library for .Net and Java platforms that reads CAD files such as DWG, DXF, DNG, IFC, STL files and can export...
Browser automation using docker and python
Browser automation using docker and python,Few weeks ago I was working on the new report of customer's game. The platform that's providing campaigns reports don't have public API t...
Maven for Ant People
Maven for Ant People,Ant people often find Maven completely mystifying. I know I did. I work at a shop that was, until recently, completely Ant based. We built complex build script...
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8,For the most part, single line lambda functions are all you need. This is a single line lambda: Predicate<Sound> isBark = sound ->...
How to Block Unwanted SSH Login Attempts with PyFilter on Ubuntu 16.04
How to Block Unwanted SSH Login Attempts with PyFilter on Ubuntu 16.04,Written By: Jason Hall Introduction Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating netw...
Data Science Cardio 1 – Weather
Data Science Cardio 1 - Weather,I'm going to shamelessly borrow the idea of programming cardio from Wes Bos's JavaScript30 course. I thought you folks might like it if I present a ...