Solr + Python — A Tutorial
Solr + Python — A Tutorial,Update: I have pushed my Python code to GitHub (repo is here). My implementation is a tad more advanced than this tutorial. See the Readme file and co...
Sharing your Python code
Sharing your Python code, Problem The previous post was to show how I was able to help myself with inline pinyin-ization of text saved in file. But how to share that? I could tell ...
Migrating our API Gateway from Flask to Django
Migrating our API Gateway from Flask to Django, “Fresh pineapple sitting on the ocean shoreline” by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash At G Adventures, we’ve been building a publi...
Migration from Junit 4 to Junit 5
Migration from Junit 4 to Junit 5,While working on my current project, I got some time to migrate from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. Since JUnit 5 was released in September 2017, it's the ri...
Introduction to Unit Testing with Java
Introduction to Unit Testing with Java,_Cover image by [Hans-Peter Gauster](https://unsplash.com/@sloppyperfectionist) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)_ We all have been there:...
wddng – A wedding with tech support
wddng - A wedding with tech support,This post has initially been posted on my personal blog It might earn me the 'Nerd of the month' prize, but I want to tell you how (and why) I b...
Download S3 bucket
Download S3 bucket,Originally published at https://gist.github.com/neo01124/dc31d0b08bd7ac6906d06197e20dc9b6 This must be at least the 5th time I've written this kind of code for d...
Python Celebrity Recognizer
Python Celebrity Recognizer, Let's use the python requests library, and a free trial of Microsoft's computer vision API to identify celebrities in photos. This short tutorial is ai...
Explain Java 8’s Optional Like I’m Five
Explain Java 8's Optional Like I'm Five, 原文链接:Explain Java 8's Optional Like I'm Five
Elasticsearch(ES) and the hardships
Elasticsearch(ES) and the hardships,I have been working as a Backend Developer for a CRM industry where it is all about searching :). Yep, you are correct, its a system with a lot ...
Java Enterprise 101
Java Enterprise 101,There are a lot of ways to create software. In fact, there are even a lot of ways to create good software. When it comes to application server development, one ...
Creando widgets para Odoo (Parte 1)
Creando widgets para Odoo (Parte 1), Creando widgets para Odoo (Parte 1). Después de semanas de inactividad regreso con una de Odoo 10, como ya hay bastantes sitios por ahí dedic...