Practices of the Python Pro out now!
Practices of the Python Pro out now!,Nearly a year ago I announced that I was writing a book about writing Python code. I'm writing Practices of the Python Pro Dane Hillard ・ Jan ...
Javascript Object.keys( ) method
Javascript Object.keys( ) method,Want to get all keys present in an object? Try Object.keys( ) Usecase: let obj = { year: 2019, month: 'september' } const objKeys = Object.keys(obj...
Object looping in Python vs Javascript
Object looping in Python vs Javascript, Python obj = { 'name': 'Victor' } for key in obj: print('key: %s, value: %s' % (key, obj[key])) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode J...
Ternary operator in Python vs Javascript
Ternary operator in Python vs Javascript, Python result = [on_True] if (condition) else [on_False] Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Javascript let result = (condition) ? ...
Python: Using JWT in cookies with a flask app and restful API!
Python: Using JWT in cookies with a flask app and restful API!,This guide aims to provide an in-depth tutorial on how to set up flask-jwt-extended using cookies. There's a LOT of d...
Making Slack More Fun with Slacky
Making Slack More Fun with Slacky,Imagine being able to automate tasks, add custom notifications, custom commands, and add more fun things to do in Slack with your coworkers. Well ...
Finding anagrams of place names (in GB)
Finding anagrams of place names (in GB),A little while ago Alasdair Rae asked if any one had combined an anagram engine with a list of place names. Well, no one stepped forward so ...
Morris Traversal Morris Pre-order Tree Traversal
Morris Traversal Morris Pre-order Tree Traversal,This is part of my series where I memo learning from Leetcode. If you have better solutions or ideas, please leave a comment! The p...
Write a program to perform the operation on linkedlist[AllOperation]
Write a program to perform the operation on linkedlist[AllOperation],In this program all general operation perform on linkedlist as insert the element[AllWays] delete the element[A...
Python: What is a keyword argument?
Python: What is a keyword argument?,Say we have a Python function which enables a user to introduce themself, with parameters for first, middle, and last names: def my_name_is(firs...
Full Stack Python Flask tutorial: Creating your first Flask Application
Full Stack Python Flask tutorial: Creating your first Flask Application,Originally posted on Educative.io If you’re a web developer using Python as your server-side programming la...
Flask apps, docker, and a self driving vehicle inventory system
Flask apps, docker, and a self driving vehicle inventory system, Creating an application comprising of multiple Flask apps, deployed using docker-compose This post is adapted from ...