Django hacking challenge: can you fix all the security flaws?-拾光赋

Django hacking challenge: can you fix all the security flaws?

Django hacking challenge: can you fix all the security flaws?, Hacking Django (7 Part Series) 1 Hacking Django websites 2 Hacking Django websites: clickjacking ... 3 more parts... ...
Graph basics-拾光赋

Graph basics

SOLID Principles-拾光赋

SOLID Principles

SOLID Principles, SOLID is a collection of fundamental principles designed to enhance the manageability and scalability of code in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It consists of...
Java 多线程-拾光赋

Java 多线程

线程概述 线程和进程 几乎所有的操作系统都支持进程的概念,所有运行中的任务通常对应一个进程(Process)。当一个程序进入内存运行时,即变成一个进程。 进程是处于运行过程中的程序,并且具有...
What is Machine Learning?-拾光赋

What is Machine Learning?

What is Machine Learning?, Machine Learning is a sub field of Artificial Intelligence. In Machine Learning, Algorithms are used that use data as starting point. Algorithms are said...
Design Patterns: Factory Method-拾光赋

Design Patterns: Factory Method

Design Patterns: Factory Method, Design Patterns (3 Part Series) 1 Design Patterns: Singleton 2 Design Patterns: Factory Method 3 Design Patterns: Observer Factory method Second st...


Iterators,BST is iterable because it is defined as a subtype of the java.lang.Iterable interface. The methods inorder(), preorder(), and postorder() display the elements in inorder...
Getting started with Python Packaging-拾光赋

Getting started with Python Packaging

Getting started with Python Packaging, Let's do some Python In preparation for using a lot more Python, I decided to refresh my Python knowedge and publish my first Python module a...
Console Messages in Test Automation Reports: Implementation and Advantages-拾光赋

Console Messages in Test Automation Reports: Implementation and Advantages

Console Messages in Test Automation Reports: Implementation and Advantages,The web console, also known as f12, hacking screen and many other names that made you believe that you we...
Where to practice your problem solving Skills?-拾光赋

Where to practice your problem solving Skills?

Where to practice your problem solving Skills?,Problem solving skills are essential for anyone interested in pursuing a career in software engineering or computer science. Practic...
Improve AWS security and compliance with cdk-nag-拾光赋

Improve AWS security and compliance with cdk-nag

Improve AWS security and compliance with cdk-nag,AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a powerful tool that allows developers to define cloud infrastructure in code using familiar...
Solution: Longest Valid Parentheses-拾光赋

Solution: Longest Valid Parentheses

Solution: Longest Valid Parentheses, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Leetcode Soluti...