Checking whether a number sequence has two or four digits in Python-拾光赋

Checking whether a number sequence has two or four digits in Python

Checking whether a number sequence has two or four digits in Python,I had an interesting problem the other day which I thought would be pretty trivial but actually turned out to be...
Releasing Flama 1.7-拾光赋

Releasing Flama 1.7

Releasing Flama 1.7,We're back from a much-needed and relaxing summer break, and we're ready to kick off the fall with a new release of Flama. Yup, you read that right, we're relea...
Exploring Groovy: Features and Advantages Over Java-拾光赋

Exploring Groovy: Features and Advantages Over Java

Exploring Groovy: Features and Advantages Over Java,Groovy is a dynamic language built for the JVM. It seamlessly integrates with Java code and libraries, building on Java's streng...
Exemplo de uso do MQTT com Java-拾光赋

Exemplo de uso do MQTT com Java

Exemplo de uso do MQTT com Java,MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) é um protocolo de mensagens leve e simples de se usar, tem sido muito usado para desenvolvimento de solu...


优雅使用前端枚举Enum,符合国标的那种!, 01、什么是枚举Enum? 枚举Enum是在多种语言中都有的一种数据类型,用于表示一组特定相关的常量数据集合,如性别(男、女)、数据状态(可用、禁用)...
Follow Django Polls Tutorial with Masonite part 2-1/2-拾光赋

Follow Django Polls Tutorial with Masonite part 2-1/2

Follow Django Polls Tutorial with Masonite part 2-1/2, Github Database setup Database Migrations in Masonite is very nice. You do not have to keep your information in your config f...
Mastering Python for Networking and Security-拾光赋

Mastering Python for Networking and Security

Mastering Python for Networking and Security,https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/mastering-python-networking-and-security https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-P...
Invoking and handling privates and all other methods of an object with and without the use of Reflection in Java-拾光赋

Invoking and handling privates and all other methods of an object with and without the use of Reflection in Java

Invoking and handling privates and all other methods of an object with and without the use of Reflection in Java, Tutorials (13 Part Series) 1 How to create your own dependency inj...
记一次 .NET某游戏后端API服务 CPU爆高分析-拾光赋

记一次 .NET某游戏后端API服务 CPU爆高分析

记一次 .NET某游戏后端API服务 CPU爆高分析,一:背景 1. 讲故事 前几天有位朋友找到我,说他们的API服务程序跑着跑着CPU满了降不下去,让我帮忙看下怎么回事,现在貌似民间只有我一个人专注dump...
Understand Django: Middleware Do You Go?-拾光赋

Understand Django: Middleware Do You Go?

Understand Django: Middleware Do You Go?, Understand Django (19 Part Series) 1 Understand Django: From Browser To Django 2 Understand Django: URLs Lead The Way ... 15 more parts......
Creating GUI Applications with wxPython - book review-拾光赋

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython – book review

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython - book review,Photo Credit: Tranmautritam on Pexels I've always wanted to create nice looking, useful GUI applications over the years. And I...
Why Java ?-拾光赋

Why Java ?

Why Java ?, What are the main features of Java? Simple Robust & Secure Object-Oriented Platform independent High performance Multi-threaded Java is Simple Before Java, 'C' is t...