Lessons Learned: Offline Time / Holidays
Lessons Learned: Offline Time / Holidays,I just came back from holidays in Cuba, it was an amazing experience (including rushing back due to COVID-19) but I’ve learned some valuab...
Automate Excel Sheet Processing with Java
Automate Excel Sheet Processing with Java, keikai (5 Part Series) 1 How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files 2 Enable User Input in My Spreadsheet-based App 3 Automat...
How To Lose Every Follower in 10 Days
How To Lose Every Follower in 10 Days,This post originally appeared on the blog &computers and has been truncated a bit. &computers might not have the answers to growing a ...
GraalVM native, not quite there yet
GraalVM native, not quite there yet, Introduction I wrote a couple of posts around GraalVM here at dev.to: Building a native CLI with Kotlin and GraalVM and Building a native ktor ...
Introducing: Torch
Introducing: Torch,A simple app that helps you discover and stay focused on what is most important to you Torch is an app I built that helps you stay focused on your primary goal, ...
Easy way to build object detection models using Detecto
Easy way to build object detection models using Detecto,Here is another simple way to train your object detection model:) https://medium.com/quick-code/deep-learning-build-object-d...
Telegram Bot in Java
Telegram Bot in Java,Hello world, recently I have create a telegram bot using java and spring boot. This bot will show you random programming joke, programming quote and COVID live...
Casual Programming With Python & Music : Sum Of Divisors For A Given Number
Casual Programming With Python & Music : Sum Of Divisors For A Given Number, 原文链接:Casual Programming With Python & Music : Sum Of Divisors For A Given Number
Como implementar Dead-letter Topic com Spring Kafka
Como implementar Dead-letter Topic com Spring Kafka,Dead-letter Topic, Dead-letter Queue ou em bom e velho português: Tópicos de mensagens não-entregues. São tópicos necessár...
Project issue
Project issue,Hello , I have some trouble running this project in Visual studio code https://github.com/jaewonhimnae/react-shop-app. Can someone provide some help ? 原文链接:Proje...
A string to calculation in python
A string to calculation in python,I'm trying to write a program that takes a string like these,'5+5' or '5+5(5×5)' and convert into something calculateable. It seemed so easy but ...
Python Caches Integers
Python Caches Integers,An integer in Python is not a traditional 2, 4, or 8-byte implementation but rather it is implemented as an array of digits in base 2^30 which enables Python...