Create a Flask application with SSO login
Create a Flask application with SSO login, python (2 Part Series) 1 Python Logging: An In-Depth Tutorial 2 Create a Flask application with SSO login It's often needed to have some ...
Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud
Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud, Introduction On the back of my previous share on how to build and run a docker container with Jupyter, I’ll be taking this further on ...
UpdationofIdGeneration,User Id Generation : Joseph’s team has been assigned the task of creating user-ids for all participants of an online gaming compition. Joseph has designed a...
Don’t let the shadow jar plugin shadow your application
Don't let the shadow jar plugin shadow your application,In my previous post, I shared a template for deploying a ktor application to Google App Engine. As part of this process I wa...
IdGenerationTechnique,User Id Generation : Joseph’s team has been assigned the task of creating user-ids for all participants of an online gaming compition. Joseph has designed a ...
How to create an Android App: Improving designs
How to create an Android App: Improving designs, Creating An Android App (6 Part Series) 1 How to create an Android App Part 1 2 How to create an Android App: Datepicker ... 2 more...
Python Testing 201 with pytest
Python Testing 201 with pytest, Python Frederick (6 Part Series) 1 Python Testing 201 with pytest 2 Python Tears Through Mass Spectrometry Data ... 2 more parts... 3 Pipfile and pi...
Beginners Learning Path for Machine Learning
Beginners Learning Path for Machine Learning,Made your mind towards machine learning but are confused so much that where to get started. I faced the same confusion that what should...
Move Java-project to Kotlin
Move Java-project to Kotlin,Hi all, do you have experience in converting Java-files with for instance IntelliJ to Kotlin? Would I have to make a lot of changes for having idiomatic...
Introduction to Web Scraping with Selenium And Python
Introduction to Web Scraping with Selenium And Python,Web scraping is a fast, affordable and reliable way to get data when you need it. What is even better, the data is usually up-...
Human Not Human
Human Not Human, Human Not Human So as I'm getting my feet on the ground, I thought I'd write a binary classification post for mortals. My focus is on the minutia of working with t...
What is your routine in a data science project? – fastai lesson1
What is your routine in a data science project? - fastai lesson1, Learn machine learning with fastai (3 Part Series) 1 What is your routine in a data science project? - fastai less...