QuantumRNG-aaS - Making use of Quantum Algorithms-拾光赋

QuantumRNG-aaS – Making use of Quantum Algorithms

QuantumRNG-aaS - Making use of Quantum Algorithms,We have all heard the hype about Quantum Computing... 'Quantum Computers are gonna break everything!!' 'Quantum is coming... the w...
Created Profile Pic Maker app using Vue.js & AI-拾光赋

Created Profile Pic Maker app using Vue.js & AI

Created Profile Pic Maker app using Vue.js & AI, Built using Vue.js on the front-end and Python on the backend - background from a photo is being removed by an AI-powered algorithm...
Day 1 of #100daysofcode-拾光赋

Day 1 of #100daysofcode

Day 1 of #100daysofcode,I'm so glad to join the Dev community 2020 原文链接:Day 1 of #100daysofcode
Creating the app for the blog-拾光赋

Creating the app for the blog

Creating the app for the blog, Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to Heroku (9 Part Series) 1 Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it t...
Monitoring Spring Boot Application With Micrometer, Prometheus And Grafana Using Custom Metrics-拾光赋

Monitoring Spring Boot Application With Micrometer, Prometheus And Grafana Using Custom Metrics

Monitoring Spring Boot Application With Micrometer, Prometheus And Grafana Using Custom Metrics,It is important to monitor an application’s metrics and health which helps us to im...
Allow Upload File On Spring Boot-拾光赋

Allow Upload File On Spring Boot

Allow Upload File On Spring Boot,Add this on application configuration: spring: mvc: hiddenmethod: filter: enabled: true Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode reference 原文链...
Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java-拾光赋

Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java

Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java,To create an AWS Lambda function in Java, first, we need to create a Handler class that implements the RequestHandler interface from the lam...
Visualizing the Butterfly Effect with Python-拾光赋

Visualizing the Butterfly Effect with Python

Visualizing the Butterfly Effect with Python, 'It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Pe...
Hacktoberfest 2020-拾光赋

Hacktoberfest 2020

Hacktoberfest 2020, First experience in Hacktoberfest I discover hacktoberfest in a local meetup of Digital Ocean users group last 2018. I'm curious of the event and I give it a sh...
Covariance, Correlation, and Collinearity-拾光赋

Covariance, Correlation, and Collinearity

Covariance, Correlation, and Collinearity, Variance and Covariance When we measure the spread of the distribution of some random variable X, we calculate variance and standard devi...
Intro to Image processing in Python with pillow-拾光赋

Intro to Image processing in Python with pillow

Intro to Image processing in Python with pillow, Intro to Pillow Pillow is Python Imaging Library that is free and open-source an additional library for the Python programming lang...
JPA with Spring-拾光赋

JPA with Spring

JPA with Spring, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expression Language (Sp...