Testing our app using Unittests
Testing our app using Unittests, Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to Heroku (9 Part Series) 1 Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it...
Creating the models.py, views.py, urls.py, admin.py & the superuser
Creating the models.py, views.py, urls.py, admin.py & the superuser, Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to Heroku (9 Part Series) 1 Creating a blog with Co...
Model Architecture Planning
Model Architecture Planning, Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to Heroku (9 Part Series) 1 Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to ...
Half-Day Builds!
Half-Day Builds!,Hi , This post is about the half-day builds! These projects will never be featured anywhere, So why not create a combined thread for them. Draw Graphs in C++ I was...
Types of programmers using Fibonacci series
Types of programmers using Fibonacci series, Warning: Not recommended for fainted ️ Enjoy 🤘 Functional prodigy Meta functional expert One liner wizard The Librarian Classy theori...
How to request and store data using the Interactive Brokers API
How to request and store data using the Interactive Brokers API, Introduction If you've started working with the Interactive Brokers API (via the ibapi python package) but you're c...
Effective Java! Use Caution When Making Streams Parallel
Effective Java! Use Caution When Making Streams Parallel, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tu...
Python List and Numpy Array
Python List and Numpy Array, Data Science from Scratch (23 Part Series) 1 Data Science from Scratch: Intro & Setup 2 Higher Order Functions ... 19 more parts... 3 Strings and E...
NetworkX built-in graph generators
NetworkX built-in graph generators, Social Network Analysis drills (2 Part Series) 1 NetworkX graph drawing using Matplotlib 2 NetworkX built-in graph generators Previously, I demo...
Downloading recent Instagram photos using instascrape and Python
Downloading recent Instagram photos using instascrape and Python,In this post, I'm going to show you how to download a user's recent Instagram photos programatically using the expr...
What is functional programming? Explained in Python, JS, and Java
What is functional programming? Explained in Python, JS, and Java,Functional programming (FP) is the process of building software by composing pure functions. Nowadays, employers a...
Embracing JAMStack with Python: Generating a Static Website with Flask and Deploying to Netlify
Embracing JAMStack with Python: Generating a Static Website with Flask and Deploying to Netlify, The Big Idea JAMStack completely changes how individuals and entire organizations a...