Sorting using Comparator in java with example
Sorting using Comparator in java with example, Table of Contents Basic points about Comparator interface. Example of sorting using Comparator in java using anonymous class. Example...
@PathVariable and @RequestParam annotations in Spring Boot Part 2
@PathVariable and @RequestParam annotations in Spring Boot Part 2, Table of Contents: Basic points about @PathVariable and @RequestParam annotations. @PathVariable annotations Exam...
Reactive Spring Applications
Reactive Spring Applications, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expression...
Make A Hugo Static Blog Inside A Django App
Make A Hugo Static Blog Inside A Django App,I have a side project and I'd like to do some content marketing to potential customers to show how my product is useful. To do this, I n...
What is the use of Synchronized keyword in Java
What is the use of Synchronized keyword in Java, Multithreading Series (3 Part Series) 1 How to get started with Multithreading in Java 2 How to use Java Executor framework for Mul...
Coding Best Practices for Java Apps
Coding Best Practices for Java Apps, Code Review and Quality (2 Part Series) 1 Code Review Checklist for Java Beginners 2 Coding Best Practices for Java Apps Introduction Coding be...
Important points for CS newbies !
Important points for CS newbies !,Do you wonder why universities like MIT, Stanford, CalTech etc produces the best engineers AND are responsible for top inventions ? yeah! first of...
Coding in Java
Coding in Java,I don't know how to explain java. It's just that one language that exists, everyone loves it and hates it at the same time. Personally, I think its OK. I can use it ...
Assertion vs Assumption when writing tests (JUnit)
Assertion vs Assumption when writing tests (JUnit),Most of the developers are familiar with the concept of assertion in test writing. Assertion is the process of making sure some c...
Microservices with Spring
Microservices with Spring, Microservices (6 Part Series) 1 Microservices with Spring 2 Spring Cloud Config ... 2 more parts... 3 Spring Cloud OpenFeign 4 Spring Cloud Gateway 5 Res...
Testing Python with Mockito
Testing Python with Mockito, Are you a recovering Java coder who now writes Python? Do you miss writing unit tests with Mockito? I have good news for you! In a quick read, I introd...
API testing with Java and REST Assured (and The Beatles)
API testing with Java and REST Assured (and The Beatles), API testing with Java and REST Assured (4 Part Series) 1 API testing with Java and REST Assured - getting started 2 API te...