20 Amazing Java Project Ideas That Will Boost Your Programming Career-拾光赋

20 Amazing Java Project Ideas That Will Boost Your Programming Career

20 Amazing Java Project Ideas That Will Boost Your Programming Career,This is a rundown of amazing Java project ideas that will set off your career in programming. Given, there are...
Architecturing Spring services-拾光赋

Architecturing Spring services

Architecturing Spring services,[disclaimer: this post will go in depth into many aspects of one possible type of architecture for microservices, and will use Java and SpringBoot to...
Top Java Development Methodologies-拾光赋

Top Java Development Methodologies

Top Java Development Methodologies,Any project can be managed better when the activities are defined under various stages beforehand. A software development methodology helps to st...
Chain of Responsibility Pattern-拾光赋

Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chain of Responsibility Pattern, Design Patterns (24 Part Series) 1 Main Design Patterns 2 Abstract Factory Pattern ... 20 more parts... 3 Adapter Pattern 4 Decorator Pattern 5 Str...
Spring's FactoryBean Interface-拾光赋

Spring’s FactoryBean Interface

Spring's FactoryBean Interface, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expressi...
Query the full history of your JSON database-拾光赋

Query the full history of your JSON database

Query the full history of your JSON database,Contribute to the Core and the Svelte based Frontend The following diagram depicts the evolution of states through modification events ...
Top 5 Android Networking Libraries-拾光赋

Top 5 Android Networking Libraries

Top 5 Android Networking Libraries, 1. Retrofit 2. Volley 3. Fast Android Networking 4. Android Sync 5. OkHttp These are the top 5 Android networking libraries, which we can use fo...
Hijack To Help Customers-拾光赋

Hijack To Help Customers

Hijack To Help Customers,You have an upset customer with a really thorny problem on your Django-powered website. Your customer used your help ticket system and reported their woe. ...
5 Websites To Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Programming Problems-拾光赋

5 Websites To Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Programming Problems

5 Websites To Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Programming Problems, Practice makes you perfect We have all come across this quote and know its meaning and importance. Whate...
My thoughts on Java Concurrency in Practice-拾光赋

My thoughts on Java Concurrency in Practice

My thoughts on Java Concurrency in Practice,One of my key goals this year was to gain a good understanding of concurrency and multithreading. I've always had a tangent understandin...
Passay - The password generation and validation library-拾光赋

Passay – The password generation and validation library

Passay - The password generation and validation library,Applications and websites that allow users to sign-up mostly have restrictions of password like Passwords should be 8 charac...
Trick to read all the content of a file in java-拾光赋

Trick to read all the content of a file in java

Trick to read all the content of a file in java,Hello I recently need to write a program where I need to find the duplicates book title from a given text file and store it in a out...