Beginner Python Project Part 2-拾光赋

Beginner Python Project Part 2

Beginner Python Project Part 2, Python Projects (11 Part Series) 1 Make an Instagram Spam Bot 2 Beginner Python Projects part 1 ... 7 more parts... 3 Beginner Python Project Part 2...
Diary of youtube-dl internals, part 4-拾光赋

Diary of youtube-dl internals, part 4

Diary of youtube-dl internals, part 4, youtube-dl (4 Part Series) 1 Diary of youtube-dl internals, part 1 2 Diary of youtube-dl internals, part 2 3 Diary of youtube-dl internals, p...
Social Learning Journal - Parsing Audiobooks-拾光赋

Social Learning Journal – Parsing Audiobooks

Social Learning Journal - Parsing Audiobooks,Since January of 2017, I have been documenting all of my professional learning activities on Twitter. As an established software engine...
Daily Temperatures-拾光赋

Daily Temperatures

Daily Temperatures,As I practice more algorithm problems, I sometimes find it challenging to identify the right time to use the appropriate data structure. While, doing lots of pro...
Duck Typing in Python-拾光赋

Duck Typing in Python

Duck Typing in Python, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. Dynamic Typed languages like Python and JavaScript have an in...
Messages from a weather station.-拾光赋

Messages from a weather station.

Messages from a weather station., https://github.com/The-lady-code/Thermometer I made that project in June and I was thinking about the messages you see in the matrix led... What k...
Python: deque vs. list-拾光赋

Python: deque vs. list

Python: deque vs. list,Do you know how to keep track of the last five data points during some kind of processing instead of managing huge lists? How to append and pop items from th...
Algorithmic walkthrough: Merging 2 Packages-拾光赋

Algorithmic walkthrough: Merging 2 Packages

Algorithmic walkthrough: Merging 2 Packages,So, let's say we have an algo problem with the following statement Given a package with a weight limit limit and an array arr of item we...
How to put your Java application into Docker container-拾光赋

How to put your Java application into Docker container

How to put your Java application into Docker container, Hands-on Docker (5 Part Series) 1 What’s Docker? And how to start with it 2 How to put your Java application into Docker co...
Using external Python packages with AWS Lambda layers-拾光赋

Using external Python packages with AWS Lambda layers

Using external Python packages with AWS Lambda layers,Amazon Lambda is an awesome service that lets you run code serverlessly: rather than keeping a server running to execute your ...
‍ Routing in Django ( Part 9 ) - Django For Beginners-拾光赋

‍ Routing in Django ( Part 9 ) – Django For Beginners

‍ Routing in Django ( Part 9 ) - Django For Beginners, Django For Beginners (7 Part Series) 1 ‍ Getting Started With Django ( Part 1 ) - Django For Beginners 2 Models In Django ....
Simple State Machines In Java-拾光赋

Simple State Machines In Java

Simple State Machines In Java, What is a State Machine ? Wikipedia defines a finite-state machine (FSM) as: an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of sta...