CODÆRT,Code that is not art, Art that is not code. What it can be? Java: public class Oblac{String $ = $ = $ = $ = $ = '8OABABAWADMRWHWHBHBOB#BMBDW@AOADB6ABABA' + 'WADMRWHWHBHBOWB...
Add Hyperlinks to Excel in Java
Add Hyperlinks to Excel in Java,In an Excel worksheet, you can create a hyperlink based on text or an image in any cell. Then, click that hyperlink to go to the specificed location...
Spring Boot Quick Start: Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners
Spring Boot Quick Start: Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners,In this Spring Boot quick start, you are going to learn how to create a simple Spring Framework application using Spring...
Learn stream processing with Kafka Streams: Stateless operations
Learn stream processing with Kafka Streams: Stateless operations, Exploring Kafka Streams (3 Part Series) 1 Learn stream processing with Kafka Streams: Stateless operations 2 How t...
Avoid these 5 common coding interview mistakes
Avoid these 5 common coding interview mistakes,Over 90% of people make these 5 common coding interview mistakes that reduces their chance of getting hired at top tech company. In t...
Java by Comparison by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Linus Dietz
Java by Comparison by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Linus Dietz,I'm not a Java developer - anymore - yet I find that a big part of this book can be useful for any junior programmer....
Java Programs, Packages, and Class Paths Explained… Plus a Bonus Mystery
Java Programs, Packages, and Class Paths Explained… Plus a Bonus Mystery,Cover Image by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash. It was a dark and stormy night… Actually, strike that. It was ...
Automation Workflow that everybody could create plus Generator App Status Update
Automation Workflow that everybody could create plus Generator App Status Update,In this article I’m gonna describe my inner setup I’ve done. I’ve automated several tasks around...
Android Tutorial: How to Develop an Android App
Android Tutorial: How to Develop an Android App,Android development is all the hype these days as it continues to dominate the world of mobile development. Fun projects, great pay,...
How HashMap works internally in java
How HashMap works internally in java,This is article is about how hashmap works internally in java. It is very important to understand the concept of hashmap as hashmap comes into ...
Sort HashMap By key and By value
Sort HashMap By key and By value,In this article, we are going to have look at how to sort HashMap by key and to sort HashMap by value in Java. We are going to learn different appr...
Python Network Programming
Python Network Programming,You can do network programming in Python, which is quite common because it's so quick to write a Python script. If this article seems hard, don't worry i...