Creating Word Document in Java Application
Creating Word Document in Java Application,As a powerful and efficient words processing tool, Word plays an important role in our daily work. This article will introduce how to cre...
Check for Unique Documents in MongoDB with Spring Boot
Check for Unique Documents in MongoDB with Spring Boot, Building a Blog (8 Part Series) 1 Building a Blog - Let's Get Started! 2 Choosing a Database: SQL or NoSQL? - Building a Blo...
Join us at jCloud Day!
Join us at jCloud Day!, Take the Azure Dev Challenge Complete any one of the Microsoft Learning Path from here Share your MS Learn Profile and achievement badge with #jCloudDay on ...
Top Github repositories for Java developers
Top Github repositories for Java developers,Some of the main advantages of Java are its community and ecosystem. To make my point I will list in this post some of my favourite Java...
What is a programming language ?
What is a programming language ?,So what is a programming language ? Yeah, the title asks the same question Well, according to Wikipedia, 'A programming language is a formal langua...
Arquitetura limpa
Arquitetura limpa, Arquitetura e Arquitetura limpa O que é Arquitetura? Resumindo arquitetura de software pode ser descrito da seguinte forma: '... a arquitetura envolve: decisõe...
Taking a Look at REST API Design Patterns
Taking a Look at REST API Design Patterns,We know what webservices are, and that there exist multiple types of webservices. But the main type is REST—although it is most often use...
Disable SSL certificate validation in Spring RestTemplate
Disable SSL certificate validation in Spring RestTemplate,We often run into certificate issue while using Rest Template. RestTemplate can give any of the below error if SSL certifi...
Switching to Kotlin. Short overview.
Switching to Kotlin. Short overview.,Here I am not going to talk about any Kotlin-specific features or my favorite ones, but instead, it will be a high-level overview of the switch...
Java Streams filter, distinct and map
Java Streams filter, distinct and map,Simple example to illustrate using Java stream with filter,distinct and map. public static void main(String[] args) { Person lokesh = new Pers...
Java Programming language Basics Concepts
Java Programming language Basics Concepts, Begineer Tutorials (8 Part Series) 1 GIT HUB Tutorial For Beginners 2 Basic Linux Commands For Beginners ... 4 more parts... 3 Java Progr...
Java: Wrapper Class ⭐️
Java: Wrapper Class ⭐️, JAVA! (7 Part Series) 1 I'm going to start a JAVA Series! 2 Master Java: Basics. ... 3 more parts... 3 Java: The datatypes. {} 4 Java: Arrays! 5 Java: Wra...