Preventing YAML parsing issues in Java
Preventing YAML parsing issues in Java,YAML is a human-readable language to serialize data that’s commonly used for config files. The word YAML is an acronym for “YAML ain’t a m...
5 Resources to Improve your Problem Solving Game
5 Resources to Improve your Problem Solving Game, *So you want to develop your problem-solving skills? You’re trying to get to that next level? Or are you a beginner who’s trying...
Off-heap memory in Java
Off-heap memory in Java,The heap area is one of the most important parts in the JVM architecture since it stores all the objects created in a JVM instance, however, there are some ...
Operator’s String And Loop’s with a tint of if and else.
Operator's String And Loop's with a tint of if and else.,HELLO My dazzling friends from the internet , todays lets start by thinking what is 'Operators' or why not 'String' ? Lets ...
Solution: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
Solution: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Lee...
What are Data Structures?
What are Data Structures?, Master Data Structures (2 Part Series) 1 What are Data Structures? 2 What is Complexity Analysis? If you are preparing for a coding interview, implement ...
In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables?
In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables?, answer re: In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables? Jan 29 '15 70 The advice I got fro...
Video: Building a Codename One Project for iOS
Video: Building a Codename One Project for iOS,This is the third video in my series about our new online tool, Codename One initializr, which allows you to generate a Maven starter...
JVM Architecture Model
JVM Architecture Model,Once we write Java program in the IDE, the moment we press the run button the execution begins in the background. What happens behind the scenes are rarely t...
Wednesday Links – Edition 2021-04-07
Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-04-07, Wednesday Links (20 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-03-24 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-03-31 ... 16 more parts... 3 Wednesda...
Bitwise & Bitshift in Java
Bitwise & Bitshift in Java,In programming we use control flow statements to change the execution of our code. If this then that, sort of thing. I'm sure we all know the standard ke...
Architecture tests with ArchUnit, pt. 3: Advanced stuff
Architecture tests with ArchUnit, pt. 3: Advanced stuff,ArchUnit has many tricks up to its sleeve. We’ve already seen how to check package structure, language elements such ...