Trie Data structure with Design Patterns-拾光赋

Trie Data structure with Design Patterns

Trie Data structure with Design Patterns, Introduction In this post I am gonna show how you can implement the Trie data structure using different design principles and patterns. Th...
Getting Started with Spring Cloud Stream using Spring Initializr-拾光赋

Getting Started with Spring Cloud Stream using Spring Initializr

Getting Started with Spring Cloud Stream using Spring Initializr, Thanks to Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Initializr it is easier than ever to develop event-driven microservices. ...
GivenWhenThen Pattern-拾光赋

GivenWhenThen Pattern

GivenWhenThen Pattern,There are lots of different ways on how to write, organize and structure your tests. One of these patterns is Given-When-Then. The term was developed as part ...
Maven Plugin Testing - In a Modern way - Part VI-拾光赋

Maven Plugin Testing – In a Modern way – Part VI

Maven Plugin Testing - In a Modern way - Part VI, Maven Plugin Testing - In a Modern way (6 Part Series) 1 Maven Plugin Testing - In a Modern way - Part I 2 Maven Plugin Testing - ...
Type Inference And Generic Methods - [OOP & Java #7]-拾光赋

Type Inference And Generic Methods – [OOP & Java #7]

Type Inference And Generic Methods - [OOP & Java #7], OOP & Java (15 Part Series) 1 Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1] 2 Inheritance and Polymorphism - [OOP &a...
How to query multiple indexes with elasticsearch in Spring boot(Java App)-拾光赋

How to query multiple indexes with elasticsearch in Spring boot(Java App)

How to query multiple indexes with elasticsearch in Spring boot(Java App),As we all know elasticsearch has indexes, that you can query to get data. That is simple with spring data ...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #8-拾光赋

Bootcamp Java Developer Day #8

Bootcamp Java Developer Day #8, Day 8: Done the first challenges + Started another course. This one is focused on Java Collections and Streams. 7) Completed: Introduction to Java P...
Decorator Pattern-拾光赋

Decorator Pattern

Decorator Pattern, Design Patterns (24 Part Series) 1 Main Design Patterns 2 Abstract Factory Pattern ... 20 more parts... 3 Adapter Pattern 4 Decorator Pattern 5 Strategy Pattern ...
Spring Configuration-拾光赋

Spring Configuration

Spring Configuration, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expression Languag...
How-to #2. Audit trail using envers-拾光赋

How-to #2. Audit trail using envers

How-to #2. Audit trail using envers, Motivation Consider case when changes that user or some system makes to the data in the database need to be tracked. Sometimes it is the requir...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7-拾光赋

Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7

Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7, Day 7: Yay! Finished the first course in Java (9 hours). It took me a lot of time to work with checkstyle and pmd, but they are working now. :D I'm ...
Create Form Fields in Word in Java-拾光赋

Create Form Fields in Word in Java

Create Form Fields in Word in Java,You can create a template Word document with legacy form fields that others can fill in. Basically, there are three types of legacy form field ty...