Building an OSGi-like Plugin System in Java
Building an OSGi-like Plugin System in Java,If you are not familiar with what OSGi is, you can find additional details here and here. The complete project can be found on github he...
Code Review Checklist for Java Beginners
Code Review Checklist for Java Beginners, Code Review and Quality (2 Part Series) 1 Code Review Checklist for Java Beginners 2 Coding Best Practices for Java Apps Checklists are al...
Which Programming Language should I learn in 2020?
Which Programming Language should I learn in 2020?,I know all the language becomes easy when we learn one. But to keep continue all of then it's too difficult. Because all the lang...
React, Reactive Microservices, Kubernetes, GraphQL & gRPC – Announcing Appwish – Fullstack Tutorial Series & Opensource Project
React, Reactive Microservices, Kubernetes, GraphQL & gRPC - Announcing Appwish - Fullstack Tutorial Series & Opensource Project, Appwish - Fullstack Tutorial & Opensource Proje...
Web scrapping part 2 (professionally)
Web scrapping part 2 (professionally),Yesterday I gave you a brief idea--------- let's make it continue. You can scrape a website in python either by beautiful soup library or by s...
Streams consumer not working for AWS MSK Kafka
Streams consumer not working for AWS MSK Kafka,Hello everyone, We are currently playing with AWS' MSK (Kafka 2.2.1). This is a 3-node cluster, and we can successfully produce event...
JDK11 HttpClient example
JDK11 HttpClient example,Small example of how to call out to a URI using Java 11 HttpClient. Nothing new here really. Just for me to remember one day. import java.net.URI; import j...
Testing Micronaut Kafka
Testing Micronaut Kafka,When testing Kafka in Micronaut you can use embedded Kafka or use Testcontainers. Configuration To use embedded Kafka set these properties in a src/test/res...
Taking a look at Coil. An image loading library for Kotlin on Android.
Taking a look at Coil. An image loading library for Kotlin on Android.,Happy New Year everyone! If you're reading this, it probably means that its time to get back to the code edit...
Top 10 Most Popular Programming languages and their Creators
Top 10 Most Popular Programming languages and their Creators,Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from th...
Super basic: How Hashmap works in Java
Super basic: How Hashmap works in Java,Hi there! It is 2020 already and what's a better way to start off the new year than to recap what we've already know such as how to walk and ...
How to do web scrapping part-1 (professionally)
How to do web scrapping part-1 (professionally),Consider how can you get the data of all mobile phones which are available on amazon and compare it to phones available on snapdeal ...