Building, testing and publishing your Java project with Github actions.
Building, testing and publishing your Java project with Github actions., Introduction I'm going to create a continuous integration (CI) workflow to build, test and publish the proj...
Replace method with JavaParser library
Replace method with JavaParser library, Motivation Recently I want to migrate from JUnit assertEquals to Hamcrest assertThat and is to improve readability of my unit tests. Instead...
Using existing regression model for statistics
Using existing regression model for statistics,Looking for some direction on this situation. Previously, I have created OLS models using statsmodels. This works great and is easy t...
How to use Redis with Spring in Java
How to use Redis with Spring in Java,In a Java Project, you must include the following dependencies to use Redis database: 1.Use the Spring Data redis with Maven: <dependency>...
Spring MVC on VSCode – Tomcat Deploy
Spring MVC on VSCode - Tomcat Deploy,In this post, I'll explain how I was able to deploy maven web project with supports for spring mvc using apache tomcat server on vscode. NOTE T...
Spring MVC on VSCode – Maven Project
Spring MVC on VSCode - Maven Project,In this post i'll explain how i was able to setup spring mvc on vscode using maven project. Disclaimer This guide only contains setup process a...
JHipster security scanning
JHipster security scanning, JHipster is a well known open source platform to quickly generate, develop, and deploy modern web and microservice applications. Using the JHipster CLI,...
Interview Prep: Bitwise Manipulation
Interview Prep: Bitwise Manipulation,Welcome back to interview prep. Today we’ll tackle a new subject to help you get ready for that big technical interview: bitwise manipulation....
Devblog 2
Devblog 2, What's new this week in SupremeObsidian. This week, we've made a lot of progress on World Generation, Spells, and new custom player inventories. We also started work on ...
Building a Recommendation Engine Using Slash GraphQL - Part 2
Building a Recommendation Engine Using Slash GraphQL - Part 2,[TL;DR: In the second part of the series, I fine-tune the original recommendations engine, add a secondary data sou...
Java/ Wrapping Text Around Image in Word Document
Java/ Wrapping Text Around Image in Word Document,When inserting an image to a Word document, choosing a reasonable wrapping style can not only make the display of text and image m...