Item 83: Utilize a inicialização preguiçosa com parcimônia
Item 83: Utilize a inicialização preguiçosa com parcimônia,O que é inicialização preguiçosa? Definição: Adiar a inicialização de um campo até que ele seja acessado pel...
Streamlining Enterprise Application Development with Java Frameworks
Streamlining Enterprise Application Development with Java Frameworks,Building enterprise applications often feels like assembling a complex puzzle. There’s the challenge of ensuri...
Day 8 – Datatype
Day 8 - Datatype,What is Datatype? --> Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. --> Java is a statically-typed programming langua...
Java Foundation
Java Foundation, What is Java Java is a high-level, object-oriented, and platform-independent programming language. It is widely used for building web applications, mobile applicat...
Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda – Part 14 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM Native Image and memory settings
Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda - Part 14 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM Native Image and memory settings, SpringBootOnAWSLambda (14 Part Series) 1 Spring Boot...
Kadane’s Algorithm: Leetcode 53 Maximum subarray
Kadane's Algorithm: Leetcode 53 Maximum subarray, Intuition We can build the intuition based on the two-point approach. Approach We will start with two variables maxSum and maxTill...
Earn with 3 digits
Earn with 3 digits, Weekly Challenge 303 Each week Mohammad S. Anwar sends out The Weekly Challenge, a chance for all of us to come up with solutions to two weekly tasks. My soluti...
SpringBoot Web Service – Part 2 – Preparing Using Spring Initializr
SpringBoot Web Service - Part 2 - Preparing Using Spring Initializr, Creating a Service Using Spring Boot and Maven In this post, we'll create a simple service using Spring Boot an...
Expressões lambda e a captura de variáveis
Expressões lambda e a captura de variáveis,Acesso a Variáveis no Escopo Contido Uma expressão lambda pode acessar: Variáveis de instância da classe que a contém. Variáveis ...
Creating Java GUIs with Swing Components
Creating Java GUIs with Swing Components,This article explores Java’s Swing toolkit. A library for building Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using components like JFrame, JDialog,...
What You Need to Know About Java Packages
What You Need to Know About Java Packages,Java packages were created to help organize and manage large amounts of code. When software became more complex, developers needed a way t...
Lettuce – A Java Redis Client
Lettuce - A Java Redis Client,Redis is an in-memory key-value store that can be used as a database, cache, or message broker. Commands that operate on keys in Redis’ in-memory dat...