Avoiding Primitive Obsession in 6 Programming Languages-拾光赋

Avoiding Primitive Obsession in 6 Programming Languages

Avoiding Primitive Obsession in 6 Programming Languages,Primitive Obsession is problem where you have a function with multiple parameters of the same type. This causes a risk that ...
Getting Started with Anvil for Python-拾光赋

Getting Started with Anvil for Python

Getting Started with Anvil for Python,Anvil is a runtime for Python code. What makes it special is that it helps you create browser based applications with just Python code. No HTM...
Ip Location tracker using Java Spring and Geolite2 database-拾光赋

Ip Location tracker using Java Spring and Geolite2 database

Ip Location tracker using Java Spring and Geolite2 database,Before get into code you need first download GeoLite2 database. i drop link down. once you enter the GeoLite2 page you n...
ETL Process - The ABC of the DATA Engineer-拾光赋

ETL Process – The ABC of the DATA Engineer

ETL Process - The ABC of the DATA Engineer,ETL - the process of extracting, transforming and loading data, also called streaming data process, is the foundation of data engineering...
Guidelines on importing modules in Python-拾光赋

Guidelines on importing modules in Python

Guidelines on importing modules in Python,Library support extends our tools to create pieces of software. Because of this, we no longer need to write everything from scratch. To ac...
Learn the MySQL Connector for Python-拾光赋

Learn the MySQL Connector for Python

Learn the MySQL Connector for Python,In this video, I talk about the official driver for MySQL to work with Python programs and the various concepts. 原文链接:Learn the MySQL Conn...
Implementing Spring Kafka in a Simple SpringBoot Application-拾光赋

Implementing Spring Kafka in a Simple SpringBoot Application

Implementing Spring Kafka in a Simple SpringBoot Application,Apache Kafka is an event streaming platform where data flows from one system to another. Its use cases are but are not ...
Longest Consecutive Sequence-拾光赋

Longest Consecutive Sequence

Longest Consecutive Sequence,Given an array of positive integers. Find the length of the longest sub-sequence such that elements in the subsequence are consecutive integers, the co...
Toward understanding DNN (deep neural network) well: California housing dataset-拾光赋

Toward understanding DNN (deep neural network) well: California housing dataset

Toward understanding DNN (deep neural network) well: California housing dataset, Toward understanding DNN (deep neural network) well (2 Part Series) 1 Toward understanding DNN (dee...
HTML to PDF — Java-拾光赋

HTML to PDF — Java

HTML to PDF — Java, Use Case At the beginning of the year 2020, my wife wanted to redo her CV, so I offered to give her a small tool where she had only to inform her trainings, he...
Weekly Challenge 150-拾光赋

Weekly Challenge 150

Weekly Challenge 150,Challenge, My solutions TASK #1 › Fibonacci Words Task You are given two strings having same number of digits, $a and $b. Write a script to generate Fibonacci...
Youtube Video Downloader using Python Django-拾光赋

Youtube Video Downloader using Python Django

Youtube Video Downloader using Python Django,Last week, I found this cool python module named pytube which seems interesting to me. For those of you who don't know, pytube module i...