Nim — a modern “glue” language like Python
Nim -- a modern 'glue' language like Python,Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It supports various backends: it compiles to C, C++ or JavaScript so th...
Yet Another Number Game
Yet Another Number Game, Statment Alice and Bob play the following game. They choose a number N to play with. The rules are as follows : 1) Alice plays first, and the two players a...
Notes from DevNexus 2020
Notes from DevNexus 2020,This is my first time at DevNexus 2020, and I'm taking notes as I attend the talks. Table of Contents 10:20am: Reactive Microservices in Action by Emily Ji...
Format a Date interval in Java
Format a Date interval in Java,At the time of this writing, there are a gazillion ways to print dates in Java: SimpleDateFormat (deprecated, use java.time instead) Joda time (depre...
How to get started with Gradle
How to get started with Gradle,This post was originally published in adityasridhar.com Gradle is used very often in the industry and I felt it will be good to cover the basics of G...
Item 66: Utilize os métodos nativos com sabedoria
Item 66: Utilize os métodos nativos com sabedoria,A Interface Nativa do Java (JNI) permite que programas Java chamem métodos nativos escritos em linguagens como C ou C++. Histori...
数字马力正在疯狂招人。。,大家好,我是R哥。 据我们面试辅导进「蚂蚁」的兄弟反馈,最近「数字马力」正在大量招人: 很多人不了解数字马力,以为数字马力是外包,我们面试辅导了一些人进去,我...
How to fix the dreaded ‘package appears to be invalid’ error while installing Android APKs
How to fix the dreaded 'package appears to be invalid' error while installing Android APKs,When you try to manually install an Android APK on your phone, you are typically stuck wi...
How to Build Java Applications Today #73
How to Build Java Applications Today #73, How to Build Java Applications Today (47 Part Series) 1 How to Build Java Applications Today: March 29, 2021 2 How to Build Java Applicati...
How I can prompt a file manager of a known path in an android app?
How I can prompt a file manager of a known path in an android app?,As I ask upon: How I can prompt a file manager into a known path in an android app? Jan 30 '22 Comments: 1 Answer...
PyCaribbean 2018 – Practicality Beats Purity
PyCaribbean 2018 - Practicality Beats Purity, 原文链接:PyCaribbean 2018 - Practicality Beats Purity