Bringing the code format to legacy.
Bringing the code format to legacy.,A project without legacy code as hypothetic as the existence of developer who doesn't code. You might write a clean code today and it will be a ...
How to create and fill out your own PDF form with Java
How to create and fill out your own PDF form with Java, Introduction In this tutorial, you will learn how to populate a PDF document with Java using the PDFBox library. In addition...
Use Hibernate with Texo Model Entities
Use Hibernate with Texo Model Entities,Hibernate is the best ORM in Java. It provides a wrapper in .NET also as NHiberate.But it can be tough when you have alot of entities to crea...
Radix DLT – Betanet Emulator Live – Start Building Now!
Radix DLT - Betanet Emulator Live - Start Building Now!,Radix started as a project to not only be highly scalable but to also make it easy for any developer to build decentralized ...
Let the compiler do the work for you!
Let the compiler do the work for you!,Recently I came across a little programming puzzle, the task was to take a binary search tree and return a new tree, where every node is repla...
“Builder Pattern” generator for Java
'Builder Pattern' generator for Java, Introduction I want to introduce my web app that can generate 'Builder Pattern' source code for Java. With this tool, you can instantly genera...
TIL: Two Ways to Create Java Threads
TIL: Two Ways to Create Java Threads, One of Java’s most powerful features is how easily it allows one to manage threads for carrying out various tasks within a program. Used corr...
Top 10 Object-Oriented Design Principles for writing Clean Code
Top 10 Object-Oriented Design Principles for writing Clean Code,Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from...
Meu primeiro app com Quarkus
Meu primeiro app com Quarkus,Hoje eu decidi que iria criar meu primeiro APP utilizando Quarkus, mas por que?! Na verdade é só uma validação mesmo eu sei que o Spring boot tá ...
Factory Design Pattern
Factory Design Pattern,What is it? Factory Method is a creational design pattern that defines an interface or abstract class for creating an object, but allows subclasses to decide...
The Best Java Training
The Best Java Training,Attending an expert-led course is the best way to boost Java skills. I manually collected the ultimate list of training courses offered by different European...
7 Functional programming techniques in Java – A primer
7 Functional programming techniques in Java - A primer, Functional Programming (4 Part Series) 1 7 Functional programming techniques in Java - A primer 2 7 Easy functional programm...