Don't forget to build that app-拾光赋

Don’t forget to build that app

Don't forget to build that app , Don't forget (4 Part Series) 1 Don't forget to call your mom 2 Don't forget to build that app 3 Don't forget to give the user a choice 4 Don’t for...
Kafka producer retries in Spring kafka-拾光赋

Kafka producer retries in Spring kafka

Kafka producer retries in Spring kafka,The KafkaProducer configuration has a option(retries property) for doing automatic retries in case of RetriableExceptions like NoLeaderForPar...
Is your Java code really production-ready?-拾光赋

Is your Java code really production-ready?

Is your Java code really production-ready?,Is your Java really ready for prime time in production? Here are five tips for writing Java that can withstand the abuses of your users! ...
Java Client Library - General Use Code Examples-拾光赋

Java Client Library – General Use Code Examples

Java Client Library - General Use Code Examples, Introduction Let's review some code examples on how to handle generic tasks: -Initializing a Universe -Initializing the Application...
#TeachingKotlin Part 1 - Classes and Objects and everything in between-拾光赋

#TeachingKotlin Part 1 – Classes and Objects and everything in between

#TeachingKotlin Part 1 - Classes and Objects and everything in between, #TeachingKotlin (4 Part Series) 1 #TeachingKotlin - Kotlin for Android Java developers 2 #TeachingKotlin Par...
JHipster - The Fastest Way To Build A Production-Ready Angular & Spring Boot Application-拾光赋

JHipster – The Fastest Way To Build A Production-Ready Angular & Spring Boot Application

JHipster - The Fastest Way To Build A Production-Ready Angular & Spring Boot Application,The last years I mainly worked on the frontend part of web & mobile applications but I ...
Star My Work If You Actually Like It-拾光赋

Star My Work If You Actually Like It

Star My Work If You Actually Like It,https://github.com/joshuajy03/ Not sure if this is allowed but I will take it down if it is not 'legal.' Also, comment suggestions for my GitHu...
Create simple REST API for practice automation testing-拾光赋

Create simple REST API for practice automation testing

Create simple REST API for practice automation testing,API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications (serv...
Introduction to ObjectMappers: using Jackson in the wild-拾光赋

Introduction to ObjectMappers: using Jackson in the wild

Introduction to ObjectMappers: using Jackson in the wild,Introduction This post is motivated by some recent real-world work I had to do involving the Jackson ObjectMapper and in it...
BlockHound: detect blocking calls in Reactive code before it’s too late-拾光赋

BlockHound: detect blocking calls in Reactive code before it’s too late

BlockHound: detect blocking calls in Reactive code before it’s too late, Find the blockage that clogs your reactive streams pipelines before it hits production! Learn about BlockH...
Java enters its teenage-拾光赋

Java enters its teenage

Java enters its teenage ,The Java 13 is released on 17th September. With this release, Java is officially entering into its teenage. JEP - 350 Dynamic CDS archives The JVM loads th...
How to reply to an anonymous user over Websockets-拾光赋

How to reply to an anonymous user over Websockets

How to reply to an anonymous user over Websockets, Hello everyone! This is my first post here on dev.to and I made myself some courage to write it because I always wanted to have a...