Java Deep Learning Cookbook
Java Deep Learning Cookbook,Hello Everyone, I have been working on a publication: 'Java Deep Learning' since Jan 2019 and expected to be released on this October. If you are intere...
Yet another dependency injection library
Yet another dependency injection library,Any seasoned Java developer knows what dependency injection is. Beside all (perfectly correct) things said in regard to this pattern, DI fr...
Gerenciando kits de desenvolvimento Java, Kotlin e Clojure facilmente com o SDKMAN
Gerenciando kits de desenvolvimento Java, Kotlin e Clojure facilmente com o SDKMAN, Você é uma pessoa que costuma trabalhar em projetos Java que possuem versões do SDKs (Softwar...
How to send emails with just a few lines of code with Yagmail in Python
How to send emails with just a few lines of code with Yagmail in Python, Sending emails with Python (2 Part Series) 1 How to send beautiful emails with attachments (yes, cat pics t...
6-10PM challenge problem #002 solution
6-10PM challenge problem #002 solution,Problem#002 Array of Array Products public int[] solve(int[] arr) { int [] out = new int[arr.length]; int product =1; for(int i=0;i<arr.le...
Design Principles
Design Principles, SOLID • Single Responsibility Principle: A class should be defined to have only one responsibility to avoid compiling and testing the totally dependent changes ...
Configuring Gradle with “gradle.properties”
Configuring Gradle with 'gradle.properties', The joy of Kotlin (20 Part Series) 1 How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating 2 Better dependency management in Andr...
Helping out with Gradle builds for hacktoberfest
Helping out with Gradle builds for hacktoberfest, Built with Gradle (4 Part Series) 1 Helping out with Gradle builds for hacktoberfest 2 My project is open to (Kotlin) contributors...
Best Possible Hibernate Configuration for Batch Inserts
Best Possible Hibernate Configuration for Batch Inserts, Problem In general, the hibernate entities (domains) are set to use database sequence as Id generator. In such a case, for ...
Creating REST API with CRNK, Part 2
Creating REST API with CRNK, Part 2,In Part 1 we created a basic REST application with Spring Framework and CRNK. We had a basic model how our data is representative in the databas...
Technical debt
Technical debt,Software development is cursed with an implied cost at any stage, no matter how elegant your solution looks at any point of time. The cost of fixing what you messed ...
O que a programação mudou na minha vida?
O que a programação mudou na minha vida?,Se eu te falar que a forma de pensar fica mais no modo lógico, posso dizer que sim. Lógica da Programação - Uma das coisas básicas p...