Micronaut: Declarative HTTP Client
Micronaut: Declarative HTTP Client,Currently I'm working on a side project and I decided to use Microunat (if you don't know anything about Microunat here you can read what it is a...
Let’s revisit Java in 2019
Let's revisit Java in 2019,It's been 6 years from now since Java 8 was released and people are still not able to digest the features of it, wasn’t Java 8 a fantastic update to the...
Setup Java Development Environment for macOS
Setup Java Development Environment for macOS, I googling a while for 'how to install java 8 on macOS' but isn't help me so much to figure it out how to actually install java 8 in m...
Java method references recap
Java method references recap,In the last post I reviewed Java lambda expressions. Java lambda expressions recap Erik Pischel ・ Oct 16 '19 ・ 2 min read #java #lambdaexpressions #r...
Good Programmer vs Average Programmer – and, Why Asking questions and Paying attention to Details matters.
Good Programmer vs Average Programmer - and, Why Asking questions and Paying attention to Details matters.,Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensatio...
Test Your Spring Boot Applications with JUnit 5
Test Your Spring Boot Applications with JUnit 5,In this post, you’ll walk through how to build a simple Spring Boot application and test it with Junit 5. An application without te...
RxJava - Make your Async Task Synchronous
RxJava - Make your Async Task Synchronous,In Android framework, We have to do all the time consuming work in background thread. It sounds easy but believe me implementation is pa...
Running Apache Zeppelin on the cloud
Running Apache Zeppelin on the cloud, Introduction This post is going to be a composition of the practical parts of two posts, one written late last year and the other a couple of ...
Authenticate React App With Stormpath
Authenticate React App With Stormpath,React is an awesome Library that helps break down complex UI into simple and reusable components that can be composed together. I will show yo...
Which programming language is the best for blockchain?
Which programming language is the best for blockchain?,This article was originally published at: https://www.blog.duomly.com/which-programming-language-is-the-best-for-blockchain/ ...
IntelliJ google-java-format plugin vs IntelliJ java-google-style.xml – what’s the deal?
IntelliJ google-java-format plugin vs IntelliJ java-google-style.xml - what's the deal?,Code Style. One of those controversial topics, where everyone seems to have an opinion and n...
Client-Side SQL Query Parsing with ANTLR
Client-Side SQL Query Parsing with ANTLR,Authored by Rahul Patel Multiple Queries in the Console Query Editor Rockset Console’s query editor allows users to type and run queries o...