I need suggestions-拾光赋

I need suggestions

I need suggestions,Hello Devs I'm a newbie in java programming and I have learnt the basics of Java but I don't know what next.... I like mobile development 原文链接:I need sugges...
Recursion, corecursion and thunks-拾光赋

Recursion, corecursion and thunks

Recursion, corecursion and thunks,Java does not support tail calls. The usual workaround is a type like the following. class Thunk<A> { boolean isDone(); Thunk step(); A fini...
Processamento Assíncrono e Java-拾光赋

Processamento Assíncrono e Java

Processamento Assíncrono e Java, Threads Processamento Síncrono Processamento Assíncrono Saber como utilizar todo recurso disponível de uma máquina é importante para que uma ...
How to start preparation for JavaScript interview-拾光赋

How to start preparation for JavaScript interview

How to start preparation for JavaScript interview, What is JavaScript? Javascript is one of the most widely used web programming languages. It is mainly used to build interactive W...
Spring Data JPA | getOne() vs findById() ! Farkları nedir?-拾光赋

Spring Data JPA | getOne() vs findById() ! Farkları nedir?

Spring Data JPA | getOne() vs findById() ! Farkları nedir?, Spring Data JPA'da getOne() metodu da findById() metodu da bir objeyi getirmek için kullanılabilir. Ancak bu iki meto...
Auditing Spring MVC Application-拾光赋

Auditing Spring MVC Application

Auditing Spring MVC Application,Hi i have a requirement where I need to track user actions in the spring MVC web application ,I want to know if there are any libraries avaliable fo...
Let's code: graphs in java-拾光赋

Let’s code: graphs in java

Let's code: graphs in java,I have been obsessed with graphs for a few years now. This obsession has resulted in three projects: graph-dsl, graphs, and graph-wm. Graphs are excellen...
Java Stream Tree Walker-拾光赋

Java Stream Tree Walker

Java Stream Tree Walker,This article discusses walking a tree or graph of nodes with a Java 8 Stream implementation. The implementation is codified in a Spliterator The strategy de...
Building WhatsApp UI for Android-拾光赋

Building WhatsApp UI for Android

Building WhatsApp UI for Android ,This is a submission for Octograd 2020 by GitHub Education. Demo Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAEDWRPRxe4 Link to Code manbirmarwah / What...
Getting started with Github Actions: Run JUnit 5 tests in a Java project with Maven-拾光赋

Getting started with Github Actions: Run JUnit 5 tests in a Java project with Maven

Getting started with Github Actions: Run JUnit 5 tests in a Java project with Maven, This blog post was originally published at blog.codeleak.pl Github Actions is a CI/CD service p...
Transaction savepoints in Spring JDBC-拾光赋

Transaction savepoints in Spring JDBC

Transaction savepoints in Spring JDBC,Savepoints allow you to create markers within a transaction which you can rollback to, without preventing the transaction from being committed...
Elide - Opinionated APIs for web & mobile-拾光赋

Elide – Opinionated APIs for web & mobile

Elide - Opinionated APIs for web & mobile,A while ago I wrote about Super Graph which turns GraphQL queries into a single SQL query. Today let's take a look at a very similar Java ...