Setup Spring and Postgres for Full Text Search
Setup Spring and Postgres for Full Text Search, Introduction In this article we will build a Pokemon API capable of full text search. That means we will be able to search Pokemons ...
The theory behind Java Programming Language Part 1.
The theory behind Java Programming Language Part 1., Introduction to awesome Programming Language Java. Java is a simple and yet powerful object-oriented programming language and i...
How To Perform Cross Browser Automation Testing With Selenium And Java [Tutorial]
How To Perform Cross Browser Automation Testing With Selenium And Java [Tutorial],As per a Walker report, customer experience will have more weightage in 2020 than both price &...
I’m going to start a JAVA Series!
I'm going to start a JAVA Series! , JAVA! (7 Part Series) 1 I'm going to start a JAVA Series! 2 Master Java: Basics. ... 3 more parts... 3 Java: The datatypes. {} 4 Java: Arrays! 5...
SpringBoot fat-jar fails, Shadow ️ to the rescue.
SpringBoot fat-jar fails, Shadow ️ to the rescue., Problem I faced a peculiar problem where a fat-jar wouldn't run on remote runners. I described the details in my previous post...
Dataflow + SpringBoot app fails to run when Dockerized.
Dataflow + SpringBoot app fails to run when Dockerized., The Setup and Problem We have a Microservices architecture with each service having its separate CloudSQL instance (like ho...
Create Employee Registration Form and Submit the Form Using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf
Create Employee Registration Form and Submit the Form Using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf,Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environment...
miny – an open source decluttered launcher for your Android device
miny - an open source decluttered launcher for your Android device,miny is a decluttered launcher for Android. It is aimed at reducing the craving to constantly check your phone ev...
Sharing Requests in Slack
Sharing Requests in Slack,With Milkman, I already created an extensible open-source alternative to Postman, which I wanted to employ for all sorts of experiments to see if I can bo...
How to check if a list contains a value in Clojure
How to check if a list contains a value in Clojure,Recently I started to learn Clojure, and usually, my first phase is to complete small programming exercises. To practice Clojure ...
Why does indexing in arrays start from zero?
Why does indexing in arrays start from zero?,Prehistory: the idea to write this article appeared after the exam on programming and algorithmization, during which I proved to the te...
My Journey as a self-taught programmer
My Journey as a self-taught programmer,I intend to write this article purely about my coding journey. I believe every programmer is a self-taught programmer because we cannot becom...