Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angular.
Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angular., 原文链接:Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angula...
How to design a service layer in Java using CRF
How to design a service layer in Java using CRF, Intro As part of my Effective Java course, I've been showing how to design a simple, but flexible service layer for Java applicatio...
Give me MyFitnessPal Data!
Give me MyFitnessPal Data!,I'm fat. Fatter than I want to be. I've not always been fat, I got down to 180 at back in 2008. It took counting calories and weight religiously. The key...
Synthetic Accessors in Kotlin
Synthetic Accessors in Kotlin,So this is a pretty nerdy blog and should be a quick one, but I just wanted to share my findings. As you may know, accessing private methods or fields...
Hi, I’m rhymes
Hi, I'm rhymes,I have been coding for 10+ years. You can find me on GitHub as rhymes I live in Italy. I mostly program in these languages: Python, Ruby. I would like to learn Go an...
Elasticsearch viewable by Flask
Elasticsearch viewable by Flask, API for ES - why So what is the goal? I want to have small app, that will allow greedy HR workers to explore Projects I took part in. I believe, on...
Let’s Build the Tiniest Blockchain
Let's Build the Tiniest Blockchain,Note: This article was originally published to Crypto Currently. Although some think blockchain is a solution waiting for problems, there’s no d...
“Getting Started With Django”
'Getting Started With Django',New to Python? or already dancing some tango with it and you feel it’s time to dabble into some framework magic for web? Meet Django: DJANGO is a...
Understanding The MVC Pattern In Django
Understanding The MVC Pattern In Django,Sequel to this post, i put up a tutorial for beginners on how to get started with Django, here. And in between i talked about how Django emb...
how to install pip Installing pip on Windows
how to install pip Installing pip on Windows,Note: 'the newest versions of python comes with pip but older version has to be installed by the user.' Before you install pip on your ...
C++ dev needs advice on Python best practices
C++ dev needs advice on Python best practices,Hi! I've recently thought about familiarizing myself with backend web-development (I came from embedded Linux programming, industrial ...
I am the luckiest person in the world.